ididit Universal Steering Column: Universal Straight User Manual
Page 4

Wiring your Column
This ididit steering column uses a standard 3 7/8-inch male connect.
However, some GM columns use a 4 ¼-inch male connector. Connectors
do not interchange and must be used in pairs. A mate to the 3 7/8 inch plug
is available through ididit. If you need to change this connector for any
reason the following schematic will be helpful.
Horn Button Wiring:
A horn may require two wires to properly func-
tion with an ididit column. The center lug on the
button should connect to a horn wire, which is
provided by ididit with your steering column. This
horn wire will slide into the horn cam (white plas-
tic tube sticking up on the top of the column). If
there is a second wire off to the side it is probably
a ground wire (check with the horn button manu-
facturer to be sure). This is normally used when an o-ring is used to hold the
button in place. The o-ring does not provide sufficient ground, therefore,
an additional wire is provided to ground the horn button. If there is not a
hole in adaptor to ground to, use one of the puller holes with a short bolt to
attach the wire to the adaptor.
Synchronizing your Column
In order to insure proper functioning, this steering column must be installed
in sync with the rest of the steering system. Turn signal cancellation and
wheel position, as well as smooth steering operation depends on it. Al-
though not all of them may need adjustment, the complete table of steps
required for full synchronization is as follows (continued on next page):