Think you may have forgotten something – ididit Universal Steering Column: Universal Tilt User Manual
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Think you may have forgotten something?
Here’s what you may have missed:
Add Ons:
(Add Ons should be installed on the column prior to shipment)
Cruise Control: Carbureted Engine or Fuel Injected Engine?
Dimmer or Wiper: Dimmer/Wiper Kits will replace the original knobs and levers
that come standard on an ididit column. This is a replacement lever with a push but-
ton at the end of the knob. The Dimmer/Wiper kit when pushed is either On or Off.
Includes relay kit.
Steering Wheel: We cannot recommend any brand of wheel because there are so
many to choose from. If you are having a hard time figuring out if a wheel you have
purchased will work with an adaptor or an ididit column, simply give us a call.
Steering Wheel Adaptor: Unless using original 1969 & Up Steering Wheel you
will need an adaptor. The adaptor may depend on the wheel. ididit recommends pur-
chasing the Steering Wheel prior to purchasing the adaptor. 3, 5, 6 or 9-Bolt Adaptors
are Available with finishes of Chrome, Black Powder Coated, Brushed or Polished
Aluminum. The adaptors are available with or without Horn Buttons.
Under dash Mount (Column Drop): A solid under dash mount is very necessary
when installing your steering column. ididit offers several variations of under dash
mounts for Floor Shift & Column Shift Columns. When measuring for your column
drop, measure from the center of the column to the dash (see diagram).
Floor Mount: Like the under dash mount this piece is very necessary when install-
ing your steering column safely. ididit offers a Classic Floor Mount, Swivel Ball Floor
Mount, Adjustable Floor Mount with or without a trim piece. Available for any ididit
Steering Column.
Shift Indicator: Shift indicators available are 3 or 4-speed transmissions. ididit
also carries shift indicators for Ford AOD & AODE transmissions. The indicators are
acrylic and can be ordered with or without the housing. The housing finishes include:
Chrome, Black Powder Coated, Brushed or Polished Aluminum.
Accessory Knobs for Levers or Dash: Deco or Retro knobs are available to re-
place the standard knobs that come standard on the column or if you plan on match-
ing those knobs to your dash knobs. Deco knobs are only available in Polished Alu-
minum. Standard and Retro Knobs are available in Chrome, Black Powder Coated,
Brushed or Polished Aluminum.
Cable Shift Linkage Kit: Kits are available for Ford C-4, C-6 & AOD, GM Trans-
mission (350, 400, 700R4, 200R4, 4L60 & 4L80), and Chrysler 727 & 904 Transmis-
sions. Early power glide kits are not available, however later power glide kits are.