BMR Suspension DS003 User Manual
BMR Suspension For the car

Part # DS003, DS004
NOTE: This product is not compatible with 2004 model stock oval mufflers. Round tubular mufflers may be used or
modifications to the existing mufflers are possible.
1. Lift vehicle and support with stands. Make sure the rear of the vehicle is positioned higher than the front. Apply emergency
brake and leave transmission in Neutral.
2. Disconnect exhaust at the 2 bolt flanges located just behind the transmission. Disconnect rear exhaust hangers and lower
exhaust out of the way.
3. Using a 13mm socket, remove the two bolts that retain the carrier bearing in the center of the driveshaft.
4. Remove all 6 bolts that attach the driveshaft to the rear differential flange.
5. Push the driveshaft forward, sliding the front yoke of the driveshaft into the transmission. This will allow enough clearance
to lower the rear of the driveshaft and remove the driveshaft assembly.
6. Once the rear of the driveshaft is lowered, pull the driveshaft out of the transmission. Slight fluid loss will occur when the
driveshaft is removed. If fluid continues to drip, lift the vehicle higher in the rear.
7. Once the driveshaft is removed it is necessary to replace the rear pinion yoke on the differential. Using a ½” air impact gun
with a 27mm deep socket, remove the nut that retains the pinion yoke.
8. Using a dead blow hammer or a standard hammer with a block of wood, knock the pinion yoke loose from the differential
and remove it. A harmonic balancer
puller may also be used, if necessary.
9. Install the BMR billet pinion yoke.
Apply blue Loctite to the threads,
reinstall the OE nut and tighten to 240
10. As seen in the image to the right, it is
necessary to modify one of the seat belt
bolts to provide proper driveshaft
clearance. Using a Sawsall or grinder
with cut-off wheel, cut the exposed
section of bolt until it is flush with the
11. BMR driveshafts are larger diameter than the stock unit and require the use of
differential spacers to provide ample tunnel clearance. To install the differential
spacers, the rear suspension cradle must be lowered. With the rear suspension cradle
safely supported, remove all 3 bolts on the cradle support bracket using a 15mm
socket (See Image 3). Using a 18mm socket, remove the main center support bolt
and pull the support out of the way. With both sides removed, lower the cradle
enough to access the four differential bolts on top of the cradle. With the differential
supported, remove the four bolts. Insert the supplied BMR spacers between the
cradle and the differential, the round spacers go to the back boltholes and the
rectangular spacer goes on the front. It is recommended to use Blue Loctite on these
fasteners when reassembling. Using the supplied extended bolts remount the
differential to the cradle. Torque all bolts to 70 ft/lbs. And reinstall the cradle.
12. Lubricate the front yoke of the BMR HD driveshaft with transmission fluid and slide the driveshaft into the transmission.
Seat the rear driveshaft flange onto the new pinion yoke and check for proper clearances around the driveshaft. If the rear
exhaust heat shield is closer than 3/4” to the driveshaft, bend it until there is sufficient clearance. It may also be necessary to
shorten one of the exhaust hangers to provide the proper clearance. Insure that there is 3/4” minimum clearance all the way
around the rear of the driveshaft.
13. Apply blue Loctite to the threads of the mounting hardware, install and torque all 4 bolts to 55 ft/lbs.
14. Some exhausts may require modification in order to clear the larger diameter driveshaft. The pinion and driveshaft moves up
and down ½”- ¾” under load. Make whatever exhaust modifications necessary to provide ample clearance.
15. Lower vehicle.
This product is an aftermarket accessory and not designed by the vehicles manufacturer for use on this vehicle. As such, buyer
assumes all risk of any damage caused to the vehicle/person during installation or use of this product.