BMR Suspension STB004 User Manual
BMR Suspension For the car

Part #’s STB003 and STB004
1. Position the brace onto the strut towers directly in front of the strut mounts. Position the brace so that
both sides are equal and the M in the BMR Nameplate is centered over the intake manifold.
2. Once the brace is properly positioned, use the mounting holes to mark the areas for drilling.
3. Remove the brace and drill all four holes. Reposition brace.
4. Place washers over the mounting bolts and insert them from the bottom. Place washers over the bolt
then thread the nuts into place. Tighten.
If you are installing the 3 point strut tower brace (part # STB004) proceed to step 5.
5. Thread a clevis into the end of each mounting tube. Position them over the mounts on the strut tower
brace and insert the bolts. Hand tighten the nuts.
6. Position and center the firewall mounting brace (provided in hardware kit) on the top cowl lip and clamp
it into place with vise grips. Adjust both clevises until each 3-point mounting tube will attach to the
firewall brace. When all points are aligned and the cowl brace is positioned, mark the holes for drilling.
7. Remove the brace and drill the mounting holes. Remount the brace, insert the bolts and tighten.
8. Reinstall both three point mounting tubes. Adjust until holes line up, insert bolts and tighten. Tighten
both clevis jam nuts.
This product is an aftermarket accessory and not designed by the vehicles manufacturer for use on this vehicle. As such, buyer
assumes all risk of any damage caused to the vehicle/person during installation of this product.