BMR Suspension RSK036 User Manual

Part #’s
1. Raise vehicle high enough so that both rear wheels are off the ground and support the vehicle under the frame. NOTE: Do
not support under the axle.
2. Using 18mm wrenches, remove the control arm bolts from one side then remove the control arm.
3. If using an adjustable version of the control arms, adjust the arms to the factory length using the OE control arms as a guide.
Once properly adjusted, apply Loctite blue to the threads and tighten the jam-nuts. If a custom length is desired, the control
arms may be adjusted after the installation however an alignment is recommended to confirm side-to-side consistency.
4. If using polyurethane bushings, lube the external bushing surfaces of the new control arms.
5. If using rod-end equipped control arms install the control arms and tighten the bolts to 90 ft. /lbs.
6. If using polyurethane equipped control arms leave the bolts loose until the vehicles’ weight is resting on the control arms.
With the rear end supporting the vehicles weight, tighten the mounting bolts to 90 ft/lbs. NOTE: tightening the control arm
bolts with the rear end hanging results in bushing preload and can cause irregular ride height and premature bushing wear.
7. Using a grease gun with a silicone based polyurethane lube, lube each grease fitting with 1-2 pumps. For maximum
longevity, re-grease in an additional 500 miles and then every other oil change.
This product is an aftermarket accessory and not designed by the vehicles manufacturer for use on this vehicle. As such, buyer assumes all risk of any damage caused
to the vehicle/person during installation of this product.
NOTE: When performing this installation it is recommended to do one side at a time. Removing both lower control arms at the
same time allows the rear to move forward making re-installation more difficult.