HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Edition Software User Manual
Page 84

Application Scripts Description and Usage
Stop the SAP Central Instance. This can be implemented by running the stopsap command, as
shown in the sample script:
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\usr\sap%SID%\%SID%\sys\exe\run\stopsap name=%SID% nr=%INR%
Stop the SAP SID service. This step is implemented in the sample script as follows:
sc stop SAP%SID%_%INR%
Delete the SAP SID service. The sample script uses the following command:
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\usr\sap%SID%\%SID%\sys\exe\run\SAPSTARTSRV.EXE -u -q -s %SID%
-n %INR%
The sample script shows that the SAP SID service can also be deleted by running the
following command:
sc delete SAP%SID%_%INR%
If present, stop the Java instance. This is implemented in the sample script by using the stopsap
command as follows:
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\usr\sap%SID%\%SID%\%JNAM%\exe\stopsap name=%SID% nr=%JNR%
Allow time (around 10 seconds) for the Central Instance to stop.
If the Java instance is supported, stop the Java instance service. This is implemented in the
sample script by using the following command:
sc stop SAP%SID%_%JNR%
If the Java instance is supported, also delete the Java service. This is implemented in the sample
script using the following command:
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\usr\sap%SID%\%SID%\sys\exe\run\SAPSTARTSRV.EXE -u -q -s %SID%
-n %JNR%
The sample script shows that the Java instance service can also be deleted by
running the following command:
sc delete SAP%SID%_%JNR%
Delete those groups that were added to the local group in the script used to start the Central
Instance. This is implemented in the sample script using the following command:
net localgroup SAP_%SID%_LocalAdmin /delete
An error message is displayed if the group to be deleted is not found in the localgroup.
This script can be further improved by adding code that displays additional error messages if
any of the preceding steps is not completed. This is also illustrated in the sample script provided.
After customizing the script, verify that the script has successfully stopped and removed the Central
Instance services. This process may vary depending on the particular system. Consult the
corresponding vendor documentation