Refreshing charts – HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual
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Figure 40 Change Chart Type Menu for the Excel Client
Choose the appropriate selection from the list of chart types, then select on the chart that you
want to use to display the report data.
Click OK.
The Excel Chart controls are configured for the default Chart Type. If you change
the default Chart Type, you may also need to modify other chart controls for optimal viewing.
Refreshing Charts
Using a feature provided by System Reporter, you can refresh a report at any time with the latest
reporting data by clicking on the Refresh button in the upper right side of the spread sheet. Excel
allows for custom charts to be created along with the existing charts. These charts also get refreshed
when the Refresh button is clicked.
Using another option provided through Excel, you can have the data refreshed according to a
specific schedule by modifying the properties of query table from which the charting information
is derived. When the table data is refreshed, any charts based on the table will also be refreshed.
Setting a table to be automatically refreshed is most applicable with a table that was created using
relative time selections. Here are the steps for modifying the query table to refresh the data according
to a given schedule.
100 Accessing and Creating Reports