Storage tab: user-defined application properties – HP StoreEasy 1000 Storage User Manual
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Accessing properties for user-defined applications
ASM provides properties information for the user-defined applications on your HP Storage System.
Using properties information, you can determine the status of all user-defined application areas
monitored by ASM, and any warning or critical status indicators.
In the Actions pane, select Application View.
From the Filter drop-down menu, select User-Defined or Show all.
To select properties for the user-defined application pool:
• Select User-Defined in the content pane and then click Properties in the Actions pane.
• Right-click User-Defined in the content pane and select Properties.
For a user-defined application:
• Select any user-defined application in the content pane and then click Properties in the Actions
• Right-click any user-defined application in the content pane and select Properties.
Properties window
General tab—Displays the user-defined application name, name of the application server that runs
the user-defined application, and the application area status:
Table 20 Operating status: User-defined application properties
Status indicator
Application storage is online. No alerts.
See the Alerts list for more information.
See the Alerts list for more information.
Storage tab—Displays the user-defined application's storage space, including allocated space,
used space, free space, and the following storage allocation details:
Table 21 Storage tab: User-defined application properties
Path to the file directory on the application server where the user-defined
application data is saved by the user-defined application. The file dir-
ectory is located on the volume created on the iSCSI LUN that was ex-
ported by ASM to the application server.
Application Path
Communication protocol used to transfer data between the server that
hosts the user-defined application and your HP Storage System.
Name of server that hosts the user-defined application.
Application Server Host Name
Name of the volume on the application server to which the user-defined
application saves its data. The volume resides on the iSCSI LUN (logical
disk) exported by ASM to the application server.
Application Server Volume -
Monitoring storage