HP StoreEasy 1000 Storage User Manual

Page 50

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Storage tab—(Exchange storage group components) Displays the storage group component's
storage space, including allocated space, used space, free space, and the following storage al-
location details:

Table 9 Storage tab: Exchange storage group component properties



Path to the file directory on the server that hosts Exchange where the
storage group component's data is saved by Exchange. The file direct-
ory is located on the volume created on the iSCSI LUN exported by
ASM to the server that hosts Exchange.

Application Path

Name of server that hosts Exchange and the storage group component.

Application Server Host Name

Name of the volume on the server that hosts Exchange to which Ex-
change saves the storage group component's data. The volume resides
on the iSCSI LUN exported by ASM to the server that hosts Exchange.

Application Server Volume -

Status of the volume on the server that hosts Exchange where the storage
group component is stored.

Application Server Volume -

Path the volume is mounted on, on the server that hosts Exchange. The
volume is built on the iSCSI LUN exported by ASM to the server that
hosts Exchange.

Application Server Volume -
Mount Paths

Name of your HP Storage System.

Storage system host name

Name of the volume on your HP Storage System where the storage
group component's data is stored.

Storage system volume - Name

Status of the volume that holds the storage group component on your
HP Storage System.

Storage system volume - Status

Path to where the volume that holds the storage group component on
your HP Storage System is mounted.

Storage system volume - Mount

The RAID level to which the storage group component storage is con-
figured. See

Customizing RAID levels

on page 27 for more information.

Logical disk - RAID Level

The RAID stripe size to which the storage group component's storage
is configured. See

Table 5

on page 25 for more information.

Logical disk - RAID Stripe Size

The number of hot spares with which the storage group component
storage is configured. See

Table 5

on page 25 for more information.

Virtual array - Number of Hot

Type of physical disk designated for the hot spare. Physical disk types
include SAS, SATA, and SCSI.

Virtual array - Physical disk type

Warning Threshold tab—(Exchange storage group components) Allows you to change the Percent
Full Warning Threshold value for the storage group component. See

Setting a percent full warning


on page 28 for more information.

Mail Store, Public Store, or Log tab—(Exchange storage group components) One of these three
tabs is available depending on whether the storage group component is a mail store, public store,
or log.

Monitoring storage


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