Starting a pair – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 236

The Details for the arguments are:
M-VOL device list (numeric): L x 0x10000 + C x 0x100 + VV, where L=LDKC#, C=CU#,
VV=vol# within CU.
When you write M-VOL device list, you can omit LDKC# if the LDKC# is 0. For example, you
can write 0x0102 when LDKC# is 0, CU# is 1, and vol# is 2.
Fence level list (string): “N” or “Never” = never, “S” or “Status” = status; “D” or “Data” =
data; default = current value. For async pairs you must either specify N or omit this parameter.
CFW flag list (numeric): 0 = copy CFW data to R-VOL; 1 = only M-VOL; default = current
DFW flag list (numeric): DFW flag list is only left to maintain the compatibility of the format.
The specification is not available.
Error level list (string): “G” = group; “V” = volume; default = current value. For sync pairs you
must omit this parameter.
Time-Saving Mode flag: “Yes” = The Use Time-Saving Mode option is enabled;
“No” = The Use Time-Saving Mode option is disabled; default = “Yes”. This parameter is a
non-list type and only one value can be specified.
“ChangeHrcOption Command” (page 236)
provides an example of the pair macro commands
needed to change the pair options for the pair with LDEV ID 0x4a as follows: set fence level option
to Never, set CFW option to M-VOL only.
Example 16 ChangeHrcOption Command
Start $Script="HRC",$Svr="64002"
// $Dev
SetList $D =_ilDevA, $S = {0x000100,0x000101,0x000102,0x000103,0x000104}
AddList $D =_ilDevA, $S = {0x000117,0x000118,0x000119}
// $OptCfw
SetList $D = _ilWorkA, $S = {1, 1, 0}
// $Fence
SetList $D = _slWorkA, $S = {"D", "S", "N", "Data", "Status"}
ChangeHrcOption $Dev = _ilDevA, $Fence = _slWorkA, $OptCfw = _ilWorkA
// $Dev
SetList $D =_ilDevB, $S = {0x000A00,0x000A01,0x000A02,0x000A03,0x000A04}
// $OptErrLv
SetList $D = _slWorkB, $S = {"G", "V", "Volume", "Group"}
ChangeHrcOption $Dev = _ilDevB, $OptErrLv = _slWorkB
Starting a Pair
The StartHrcPair command allows you to start the remote copy process for all new and
resynchronized TrueCopy for Mainframe pairs (CreateHrcPair and ResumeHrcPair commands).
The StartHrcPair command does not have any arguments or parameters. After you have created
and/or resynchronized all desired TrueCopy for Mainframe pairs, add the StartHrcPair command
to the script to begin remote copy activity for all preceding new and resynchronized pairs.
“StartHrcPair Command” (page 237)
provides an example of the StartHrcPair command as it appears
within a script file.
236 TrueCopy for Mainframe Scripting