HP Photosmart C4435 All-in-One Printer User Manual

Page 242

background image

photo paper

load 20
specifications 227


borderless 52
e-mail 54
edit 53
edit scanned 65
ink sprays 129
missing 187
photo print cartridge 75
print borderless 36
print from DPOF file 52
print on photo paper 37
send using HP Photosmart

Share 54

share 54

poor fax printout quality 102
poor printout quality 99
portrait orientation 32
posters 46
preview print job 33

2 or 4 pages on 1 42
addresses 45
blank printout 128
booklet 41
borderless fails 117
borderless photos 36
both sides of page 40
cancel job 47
correct order 43
distorted printout 105
envelopes 45
envelopes print

incorrectly 116

faded 108
from computer 29
from software application 29
iron-on transfers 44
labels 45
margins incorrect 124, 126
meaningless characters 120
multiple pages on one

sheet 42

nothing happens 121
on photo paper 37
photos from DPOF file 52
photos from memory

card 52

posters 46
preview 33
print options 30, 34

quality, troubleshoot 99,

102, 106, 110

reverse images 44
reversed page order 124
self-test report 69
special print jobs 36
specifications 228
transparencies 45
troubleshooting 116
vertical streaks 111
Web pages 46

print cartridge protector 75
print cartridges

align 78, 203
check ink levels 70
clean 79
clean contacts 80
clean ink nozzle area 82
damaged 210
error message 207, 210
handle 70
incorrect 207
low ink 128
low on ink 199
missing 210
non-HP ink 207
order 85
part names 70
photo print cartridge 75
previously used 220
replace 71
store 75

print quality

smeared ink 99

print settings

brightness 33
color tone 33
layout 32
orientation 32
paper size 30
paper type 31
print quality 99
quality 32
reduce/enlarge 33
resizing options 33
resolution 32
saturation 33
speed 32

printer sharing

Mac 13
Windows 13


with one ink cartridge 77

Printing Shortcuts tab 34

copy 134
error messages 143
print 116
scan 139



print 32

quality, copy 57


Readme file 87

ink cartridges 229

reduce/enlarge copies

resize to fit letter or A4 60

regulatory notices

declaration of conformity

(European Economic
Area) 234

regulatory model

identification number 232

reinstall software 96
removing ink from skin and

clothing 76

replace print cartridges 71

print cartridges 77
self-test 69


menu 7

reprint button 6

print 32


saturation, change in print 33

photos to computer 53


blank 141
cancel 66
crop incorrect 141
documents 63, 64
edit image 65
fails 139, 140, 150
features 63
halts 139
menu 7
page layout incorrect 141



