5 feature comparison with ibm product, Feature comparison with ibm product, Comparison of copying processes – HP XP7 Storage User Manual

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5 Feature comparison with IBM product

This chapter describes the differences between IBM FlashCopy and HP Compatible FlashCopy.

Feature comparison with IBM product

The following table shows the differences between IBM FlashCopy and HP Compatible FlashCopy.

Table 57 Differences between IBM FlashCopy and HP Compatible FlashCopy

HP Compatible FlashCopy

IBM FlashCopy

Compared item

Not supported.


GLOBAL Mirror status

For details about GLOBAL Mirror status, see the
IBM manual.

Comparison of the maximum number of relationships between IBM
FlashCopy and HP Compatible FlashCopy

The following table shows the maximum number of relationships between IBM FlashCopy and HP
Compatible FlashCopy.

Table 58 Maximum number of relationships between IBM FlashCopy and HP Compatible FlashCopy

HP Compatible FlashCopy

IBM FlashCopy

Compared item

Up to 16 relationships can be created per
extent (the smallest unit: track).

Up to 12 relationships can be created per extent
(the smallest unit: track).

Number of multiple

65,534 relationships (volume of 10,017
cylinders or more)

50,099 relationships (for 3390-3)

65,534 relationships (except 3390-3)

Maximum number of
relationships that can be
created per volume

20,479 relationships (volume of less than
10,017 cylinders)

Comparison of copying processes

The following table compares the copying processes of IBM FlashCopy and HP Compatible

Table 59 Comparison of copying processes

HP Compatible FlashCopy

IBM FlashCopy

Compared item

Sometimes the data on the tracks subject to read
operation are copied from the copy source to the

The data on the tracks subject to read
operation are not copied from the copy
source to the copy target.

Read access to the area not
specified as the copy range in
the copy target during the

copy target, and other times the data are not copied
to the target.

background copying process in

Relationships are maintained even when all the copy
operations processed by On-demand copy are

Relationships are withdrawn
automatically when all the copy
operations processed by On-demand
copy are completed.

Status of the relationships when
on-demand copy is processed

Not supported.


Establishing relationships by
using the TSO command when

The command will be rejected.

The ACTION (FREEZE) option can be

you specify a copy target
volume of PPRC as a source

Even after all of the copy operations processed by
on-demand copy are completed, the Reverse Restore

After all of the copy operations
processed by on-demand copy are

Reverse Restore

operation cannot be performed on the relationship

completed, the Reverse Restore

Feature comparison with IBM product 103

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