HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Microsoft SQL Licenses User Manual
Page 39

If your servers are configured in a shared volume environment such as a Microsoft cluster
environment, see the following sections for more information on performing a restore in an MSCS
“Restoring a SQL Instance in an MSCS Environment Using File Copy Restore” (page 69)
“Restoring a Volume in an MSCS Environment Using Volume Restore” (page 69)
Alternatively, you can use InForm CLI commands to promote the virtual copy to its parent base
volume. For more information, see the HP 3PAR InForm OS CLI Administrator’s Manual.
Restoring an Instance or Database with Volume Restore
DO NOT perform a volume restore if the base volume to which you are promoting
the virtual copy contains files for other instances or databases.
The volume restore feature promotes the virtual copy to the base volume and overwrites all data
on the volume. If you perform a volume restore on a volume that hosts files for multiple instances
or databases, the operation deletes all data not contained in the promoted virtual copy.
Schedule downtime for the SQL Server service; Recovery Manager for SQL automatically stops
and starts the SQL Server service during a restore.
Under the Virtual Copy Management node in the node tree pane, right-click the timestamp for
the virtual copy you want to use for the restore, and select Restore Using
To confirm you understand the ramifications of proceeding with the restore, check the Click
to continue checkbox.
Click OK.
The virtual copy completely overwrites the instance or database. The instance or database is
now restored.
Restoring an Instance or Database with File Copy Restore
The file copy restore feature enables you to restore a specific instance or a database from a virtual
copy. Unlike the volume restore feature, the file copy restore feature does not overwrite the entire
Schedule downtime for the SQL Server service; Recovery Manager for SQL automatically stops
and starts the SQL Server service during a restore.
Under the Virtual Copy Management node in the node tree pane, right-click the timestamp of
the virtual copy you want to use for the restore, and select Restore Using
→File Copy.
The Vendor Restore Method field of the File Copy Restore dialog box automatically
displays Virtual Copy (File Copy).
By default, Recovery Manager restores the virtual copy to its parent instance or database
(specified in the Target Server field).
To restore a virtual copy of a database to a database different from its parent database, you
can specify an alternate database as the target of the restore:
In the Database Restore Option area of the File Copy Restore dialog box, check the Clone
Database checkbox.
In the Database Name text box, enter the name of the database to which you want the
virtual copy restored.
If you want to restore the clone database to a location other than its parent location, enter
the directory path to the alternate database In the Alternate Path text box. Note that if
Restoring Instances, Databases, and Volumes