Glossary, Export, Drive magazine – HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage User Manual
Page 58: Drive cage, Fully provisioned virtual volume, Allocation warning, Allocation limit, Growth, Limit, Active vlun
active VLUN
The pairing of a virtual volume and a LUN so the host can access its virtual volume and I/O
writes can be saved to the virtual volume. The VLUN parameters determine whether a virtual
volume is expressed as an active VLUN. VLUNs that are not active will not communicate with the
HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system.
allocation limit
User-defined threshold that can be set for Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes and fully-provisioned
virtual volumes to cap their potential size.
allocation warning
User-defined threshold that can be set for Thinly-Provisioned Virtual Volumes and fully-provisioned
virtual volumes to alert users when the volumes reach a certain size.
A block of contiguous storage space on a physical disk. On F-Class and T-Class systems, all
chunklets are 256 MB. On HP 3PAR 10000 systems, all chunklets are 1 GB.
Common Provisioning Group (also known as a storage pool or logical disk pool). A set of logical
disks from which you can create virtual volumes and virtual copies that are capable of allocating
storage on demand.
CPG template
Common Provisioning Group template. A CPG template contains a set of common provisioning
group and logical disk parameters that HP 3PAR Management Console users can apply in order
to create a new Common Provisioning Group.
created host
A host that is defined on the system but does not necessarily have any physically connected host
paths or WWNs assigned to it.
drive cage
A component in a rack or chassis that contains a drive. Drive cages connect to nodes for
communication with hosts. Drives may be Fibre Channel or iSCSI.
drive magazine
An electronic circuit board mounted on a mechanical structure that is inserted into a drive bay
in a drive cage. A drive magazine holds up to four physical disks.
To present a virtual volume to a host. Exporting makes a volume available to a host by creating
an association between the volume's name and a LUN (logical unit number) for the specified host
and port.
Fast Class
Drive type: either Fibre Channel or Serial Attached SCSI (SAS). With regard to drive types and
drive capacities, the abbreviation FC applies to Fast Class. With regard to ports, the abbreviation
FC applies to Fibre Channel only.
Fibre Channel
A Fibre Channel PCI host bus adapter (HBA) located in a controller node. The Fibre Channel
adapter connects a controller node to a host or to a drive chassis.
fully provisioned
virtual volume
A virtual volume (snapshot) with a set amount of user space and for which snapshot administration
space and snapshot data space draw resources from a Common Provisioning Group (CPG).
growth increment
The unit of storage space by which the system creates and allocates additional logical disks to
a Common Provisioning Group (CPG) when the volumes in that CPG require additional resources.
The minimum growth increment varies according to the number of controller nodes in the system
(from 8 GB for a two-node system to 32 GB for a eight-node system).
growth limit
An optional setting that enables you to specify the maximum size to which a CPG can grow.
growth warning
An optional setting that enables you to specify the size at which the system alerts you to the
amount of CPG growth.
A path or set of paths, defined as either WWN or iSCSI names, to one or more ports on a system.
host definition
The name of the host and the list of the paths (WWN or iSCSI) assigned to the host, if any. If
you remove all the paths assigned to the host, the host name becomes the host definition.
host-sees VLUN
A VLUN template that allows a specified host connected to any port to see a virtual volume as a
specified LUN (logical unit number).
iSCSI adapter
An iSCSI PCI host bus adapter (HBA) located in a controller node. An iSCSI adapter connects a
controller node on an iSCSI port to a host.
iSCSI name
The name of an iSCSI path. You use an iSCSI name to identify that iSCSI path to a host.