Configuring iscsi devices – HP Command View EVA Software User Manual
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If you want to change management for another storage system, repeat
If the management server now managing the storage system is in an HP P6000 Continuous Access
environment, see the HP P6000 Continuous Access Implementation Guide for information about
coordinating active and standby management servers on multiple sites.
If an unmanaged storage system is moved from the initialized state to an uninitialized
state by the managing HP P6000 Command View instance, the passive HP P6000 Command
View instance does not display this change until the node is clicked or the storage system is refreshed
on the navigation pane.
Configuring iSCSI devices
You can use HP P6000 Command View to manage EVAs that include iSCSI devices (called the
iSCSI connectivity option). If your configuration includes iSCSI controllers, configure them as follows:
Install the iSCSI devices. See HP EVA iSCSI Connectivity Quick Start Instructions for Windows
for installation instructions.
If the iSCSI controllers are not discovered:
From the storage system point of view navigation pane, select the iSCSI controller icon in the
Hardware folder, and:
Force a discovery cycle by clicking Discover ISCSI Devices.
If the discovery cycle does not detect the devices, click Add ISCSI Devices, and then add
them manually.
If HP P6000 Command View does not detect a device or an error message is displayed
when you manually enter the IP address of a device, ensure that the Fibre Channel ports
of the iSCSI controllers are zoned with the host ports of the EVAs.
The discovery cycle adds a single iSCSI controller object to the hosts folder. Add the iSCSI hosts,
and then you can present virtual disks to the iSCSI host as you would present any virtual disk to a
HP P6000 Command View supports the mpx100 and MPX200 iSCSI controllers. HP
P6000 Command View 9.4 or later supports the FC-iSCSI and iSCSI/FCoE controller options for
the P6300/P6500 EVAs. For more information, see the HP P6000 Command View online help.
You cannot delete auto-generated iSCSI mpx hosts manually; however, they are deleted
automatically when you delete the iSCSI controller. For documentation and other information, see
the HP Business Support Center Manuals website:
For EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option documentation: Under Storage, select Options and
Accessories. Under Options and Accessories for Storage, select Storage Array Options, and
then select Storage EVA Array iSCSI Connectivity Option.
For MPX200 Multifunction Router documentation: Under Storage select Storage Networking,
and then under Routers/Gateways/Multiplexers, select HP MPX200 Multifunction Router.
For P6300/P6500 EVA FC-iSCSI and iSCSI/FCoE controller documentation: Under Storage
select Disk Storage Systems, and then under P6000 EVA Disk Arrays, select HP P6300/P6500
Enterprise Virtual Array.
To restore the iSCSI controller configuration in case of an offline replacement of the iSCSI controller,
configure periodic backup of the iSCSI controller. When the periodic back up configuration for
iSCSI controller is enabled, specify the interval to take the periodic backup. This will retrieve the
existing iSCSI configuration from the controllers and save it to a file on the local system. Backup
is taken at the interval specified.
Configuring iSCSI devices