HP StoreEver MSL Tape Libraries User Manual

Page 15

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data at a different location. If the second token contains a backup of the first token's data, it should
be stored in a secure location, such as a fireproof safe in a different building.

The token data backup file and the second token support several approaches to backing up the
keys so that tapes can continue to be written and read if the first token is lost or destroyed. Choose
an approach that best meets your organization's needs and capabilities.

Table 3 Example token data backup processes



Restore process

Backup process

Highly-reliable file backup and
restore processes that store
backup data off site.


If your file backup

process writes encrypted data to
an autoloader or a library using
the encryption kit, be sure to back
up the token data file to a different
removable media, as in the next
case. If the first token is lost or
damaged, you will need the token
backup file to restore onto a token
and you will not be able to restore
the token backup file from the
encrypted tape without a token
with a key for the tape.

Retrieve the token backup
file from your
organization's file backup
program and restore it
onto the unused second

Back up the token
backup file and
store the
uninitialized second
token in a secure

Avoids having to retrieve
physical media containing the
token data from an off-site
location to create a new token
data backup.

The token in use does not
need to be removed from the
autoloader or library during
the token data backup

The token backup file can be
restored onto any token.

The second token does not
need to be stored in a secure

By using a new token for the
restore process, the second
token will have the same
current key to encrypt tapes
as the original token.

Retrieve the backup media
and second token from the

Back up the token
data to removable

New backup media must be
created when a new key is

The token in use does not
need to be removed from the
autoloader or library during
the token backup process.

secure location and
restore the token data
onto the second token.

media, such as a
USB flash drive or
CD, and store it in
a secure location.

Token data backup files on
removable media must be
stored in a secure location.

The token backup file can be
restored onto any token.

The second token does not
need to be stored in a secure

If your file backup process
uses an autoloader or a
library with the encryption kit,
you will be able to restore the
token backup file to a new
token if the token in use is lost
or damaged.

Retrieve the second token
from the secure location

Back up the token
data on the first

The second token must be
retrieved from the secure

The second token may be
used immediately.

and insert into any

token to the second

location to back up new keys
created on the installed token.

The token is easy to store in a
secure location.

supported autoloader or

token and keep the
second token in a
secure location.

The second token must be
retrieved from the secure
location if the first token is lost
or damaged.

You must understand that the
second token may not have the
same current key used to
encrypt tapes.

Backing up the key server token data