HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 194

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-018
If a system is specified, it must be the local system; exclusion pertains only
to source files, not destination files.
If the PURGE option is specified, to exclude files from being purged on the
destination, use the EXCLUDEPURGE option. Without EXCLUDEPURGE:
A file on the exclude list is purged on the destination (it is not excluded
from purging), if it does not exist on the source.
A file on the exclude list is not purged on the destination, if it exists on
the source (it is excluded from purging).
The exclude file supports all legal disk file patterns. Refer to the NonStop
documentation for legal disk file patterns.
Guardian file sets:
The exclude file supports all legal disk file patterns.
OSS file sets:
Entries in the exclude-file can specify a pattern but the file and directory
names must be fully qualified with absolute pathnames.
Note the following case for the exclusion of a directory:
exclude-file entry: /home/group/user/destdir/A/KA (without last "/")
does not exclude directory: /home/group/user/destdir/A/KA/
while exclude-file entry: /home/group/user/destdir/A/KA*
or /home/group/user/destdir/A/KA/
excludes directory: /home/group/user/destdir/A/KA/
EXCLUDE[PURGE] excludep-file
instructs AutoSYNC to exclude the files listed in the excludep-file from being
purged on the destination, if the files do not exist on the source.
EXCLUDEPURGE only applies when PURGE or SUBVOLPUREGE are also
specified. Otherwise, EXCLUDEPURGE is ignored.
an edit file that contains the names of the files, subvolumes or disk
volumes in the destination syncfileset that are excluded from being purged.
excludep-file resides on the destination system and can be shared among
When starting a new synchronization ASYSYNC rereads excludep-
file and if it has changed, updates the excludepurge list accordingly.