HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual

Page 153

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Command Interpreter

HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide522580-018



the name of the file that is input to the copy command. It can be a process, a tape,
terminal, or disk file. Supported disk files include edit files, spooler files, Enscribe
structured and unstructured files.


the name of the file that is destination of the copy command. It can be a process, a
tape, terminal, a printer or disk file. Supported disk files include edit files, spooler
files, Enscribe structured and unstructured files. If the out-file is omitted, the
destination of the COPY is the AutoSYNC out file, which is by default the terminal

COUNT num-records

the number of records or rows to be copied. If omitted, all records are copied.

FIRST ordinal-record-num
KEY { record-spec | key-value }
key-spec ALTKEY key-value [, key-value ]

the starting record of the input file to copy. If omitted, the copy starts at the first
record or row in the input file.


is the number of records or rows from the beginning of the file that are to be
skipped. The first record in a file is record zero. The maximum value is

KEY { record-spec | key-value }

record-spec is a fixed quantity limited to 2**63 -1.

for unstructured files, record-spec is the starting relative byte address.

for relative files, record-spec is the starting record number

for entry-sequenced files, record-spec is the 64-bit numeric record key

key-value applies only to key-sequenced files and specifies the approximate
position of the starting record; key-value is specified as a string or as integer
byte values in the range of 0 to 255.

The key-value is entered as follows:

“[“ { string } [, { string } ] “]”
{ 0:255 } [ { 0,255 } ]
where the integers represent the byte values. To specify a list of strings,
enclose each string in quotation marks separated by a comma and enclose the
list in square brackets.

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