HP Integrity NonStop J-Series User Manual
Page 180

Command Interpreter
HP AutoSYNC User’s Guide—522580-018
displays the file name, file attributes and selection criteria of each selected
If DETAIL is omitted, the report shows only summary statistics for the file
set, but it does not report on specific files.
short form to specify all DETAIL options described below.
displays all files from the source and destination file set that have already
been synchronized and are still in sync at the time the report is generated.
displays all files that require synchronization.
files where the modification time of the source file is newer than the
modification timestamp of the destination file,
files that are missing in the destination file set,
If PURGE is specified, extra files in the destination subvolume that are
not in the source subvolume at the time the report is generated.
if SUBVOLPURGE is specified, extra files in extra destination
subvolumes that are not in the source file set.
displays all files from the source files sets and destination file sets that
would be excluded from a synchronization. These files include
corrupt or broken source files
files listed in an EXCLUDE file
files with a future expiration day
files with PURGE security "-"
source files that are open for update
SQL catalog or index files
system files
secondary partitions
and depending on the sync options, these files also include:
audited files
files open in destination