Ow to, Se this, Anual – ALESIS ANDROMEDA A6 User Manual
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A6 R
This manual was designed to take you through the A6 in a logical order of topics.
This way, anyone who is new to this type of instrument can read through the book
from front to back and get the most basic information first. The manual progressively
deals with more complex topics as you read through to the end. Experienced users
can simply use this manual as a reference resource, browsing through the topics as
needed. An Index is provided at the end of the manual for quick referrals to specific
subjects or problems. The Appendices provide technical information about the A6.
The Chapters can be grouped into five categories of information:
– Chapters 1 and 2
Chapter 1 is your basic introduction to the A6, from getting it out of the box, setting it
up and plugging it in to making simple audio and MIDI connections, and hooking
up pedals and footswitches.
Once you get everything connected, Chapter 2 takes you on a detailed tour of the A6.
This Chapter runs you through the most commonly used performance features of the
unit, including a discussion of how the display works and how to select sounds.
We’ll also take a good look at Master Volume and Tune, the keyboard and its modes,
Portamento, the Sequencer and Arpeggiator, the two performance Wheels and the
Ribbon Controller.
Synthesis and the A6
– Chapters 3 and 4
This section of the manual starts out with Chapter 3 giving you a broad background
of analog synthesis, including some history and acoustic theory. All of this is then
applied to a generic analog synthesizer to illustrate the electronic counterparts of a
sound’s components.
If you are new to analog synthesis, we strongly recommend that you read this
Chapter in its entirety. What you will learn here will help the rest of the manual
make sense.
Where Chapter 3 provides you with concepts, Chapter 4 brings it all home to the A6.
Here, you’ll learn how the A6’s sounds are organized, and how the front and back
panels are laid out. A complete list of the A6’s functions are presented along with
concise descriptions.
Program Functions
– Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9
These five Chapters take you through every function that makes up a Program.
Here’s where the theory we covered in Chapter 3 meets reality: what the knobs and
switches do to affect each aspect of the sound.
Sound Applications
– Chapters 10, 11 and 12
Chapter 10 covers all the bases when it comes to using the Andromeda’s powerful
internal effects. Chapter 11 deals with Mix mode: the A6’s memory functions for
combining two or more Programs. Mix mode is where you create splits and layers,
splits and layers and other multitimbral configurations. We’ll also explore
incorporating external Programs with the A6’s internal sounds.
Chapter 12 takes a good, long look at MIDI: an introductory tutorial on MIDI
functions followed by MIDI operations specific to the A6.