Missed calls message event notification, Gruu and sip.instance support, Configuring gruu using the configuration files – Aastra Telecom 675xi Series User Manual

Page 14: Limitations of the gruu feature

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New Features in Release 2.4


RN-001029-03, Release 2.4, Rev 00

IP Phone Release Notes 2.4

Configuring “SIP Join” Using the Configuration Files

User the following parameter to set up the “SIP Join” feature on the IP Phone.

Missed Calls Message Event Notification

In Release 2.4, the phones now include a “Missed-Calls-Message” field in a “message
summary” event of a SIP NOTIFY message.

GRUU and sip.instance Support

Globally Routable User-Agent URIs (GRUUs) provide a way for anyone on the Internet to route
a call to a specific instance of a User-Agent.
Release 2.4 provides GRUU support using draft-ietf-sip-gruu-15. A sip.instance is added to all
non-GRUU contacts. By default, this feature is enabled. You can enable or disable this support
using the configuration files.

Configuring GRUU Using the Configuration Files

Use the following parameter to enable/disable GRUU support on the IP Phones.

Limitations of the GRUU Feature

The following are limitations of the GRUU feature on the phones:

GRUU-Draft-15 is not compatible with versions prior to GRUU-Draft-10.

Phones do not support temporary or phone-created GRUUs.

sip join support

Configuration Files

aastra.cfg, .cfg


Enables or disables the phone to allow a conference to be set up with
a join header as described in RFC 3911.



Default Value

0 (disabled)


0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)


sip join support: 1

sip gruu

Configuration Files

aastra.cfg, .cfg


Enables or disables GRUU support on the IP Phone according to
draft-ietf-sip-gruu-15. If this parameter is disabled, parsing of inbound
GRUU's for transfer are still enabled.



Default Value

1 (enabled)


0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)


sip gruu: 0