Sterlco 2016C (Former Compact Series) User Manual

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COT-C Series Hot Oil Portable Temperature Control Units

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commercially available heat transfer fluids. The pump has only
two internal moving parts, and a specially designed seal to give
years of trouble free service, even at high temperatures. The only
routine maintenance required is the monthly greasing and
occasional head space adjustment; see Section 6-5 on Page 38 for
more information.

The pump is capable of running in either direction. Thus, the pump
reverse feature can be used to draw fluids back from the process. It
is not necessary to install a service air line to purge the lines before
changing molds. Since the pump is capable of achieving extremely
high pressures, it is necessary to regulate the pressure through use
of a regulating by-pass line (Ful-Flo valve). Because the pump is a
positive displacement pump, it will supply the process with rated
flow at or below the rated pressure.

The flow is constant until the pressure reaches the rated pressure.
The pressure, however, is a function of frictional losses through the
process to which it is attached. Systems with large process
connections, ports, and piping will operate at low pressures; while
systems with small process connections, ports, and piping will
operate at higher pressures. Once the pressure requirements exceed
the rated pressure, the Ful-Flo valve will open and bypass the
necessary fluid to prevent high pressures.

Ful-Flo Valve

A regulating by-pass line featuring a Ful-Flo valve is standard in
all units. This is a safety device to prevent excessive pressure in
the event that the delivery line is obstructed. Each Ful-Flo is
factory preset to limit system pressure as specified by the
customer. It must not be tampered with in any way.
In the event of an obstruction in the line, the Ful-Flo will open and
divert fluid from the delivery


line to the return

From Process line. A constant flow of fluid is maintained through
the heater tank to prevent damage to the heating elements and


The STERLING-designed shell and tube heat exchanger is
provided as optional equipment in this unit. The design features
straight-tube construction and copper-nickel tubes for durability
and optimal heat transfer.

The modular construction (unique to STERLING units) allows the
tube bundle to be easily removed for periodic cleaning.
Additionally, check valves are installed on the water supply and
drain lines to prevent water from back flowing into the heat
exchanger from a closed drain or into the water supply piping.