Priority names & colors, Specifying which alarms to load from the server, Loading many alarms – Milestone Central 3.7 User Manual
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Milestone XProtect Central 3.7; User’s Manual
Tip: By default, the list automatically jumps to the latest received alarms for the selected item
(server, camera, etc.). You can toggle this feature off and on with the Show Latest Alarms feature
(see page 21).
To view detailed information about an alarm, double-click the required alarm in the alarm list. This
will open the Alarm Detail Window (see page 23). Provided you have the necessary user rights, the
Alarm Detail window lets you:
Add more information about the alarm
Change the alarm’s state, priority, and/or owner
Print alarm details
View video of the incident triggering the alarm (provided video is available, and you
have the necessary user rights)
Priority Names & Colors
Alarms are typically prioritized from very important to less important, and priority names and
colors are used to enable quick visual identification of the various alarm priorities.
Default priority names and colors
The six different alarm priorities are by default named Priority 1 - Priority 6, but note that the
priority names may have been changed by your Milestone XProtect Central system administrator to
better suit the needs of your organization.
Likewise, the colors used for indicating the various priorities when listed in the Alarm Overview
may have been customized to suit your organization’s needs.
The default priority names and colors used in this help system’s illustrations may thus not always
be representative of your working environment. Ask your Milestone XProtect Central system
administrator if in doubt about priority names and colors used in your organization.
Specifying Which Alarms to Load from the Server
As a rule, no alarms are loaded from the Milestone XProtect Central Server into your Client until
you select an item (such as a camera, a server, all servers, or similar) for which you want to view
This simple principle means that your Client will start up quickly when you log in, and that it will
not load more alarms than necessary. If your Client were to load all alarms from the server straight
after your login, it could slow your Client down for a considerable number of seconds if there were
many thousands of alarms to load.
Even when you select an item (such as a camera, a server, all servers, or similar) in order to view
its alarms, there may occasionally be many alarms to load:
Loading Many Alarms
Loading of alarms from the Milestone XProtect Central
Server into your Client normally happens very fast. In
many cases so fast that you will not even notice that the
alarms are being loaded; they will just appear in your Page