Target audience for this document – Milestone Analytics 2.2 User Manual

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Milestone XProtect Analytics 2.2; User’s Manual

Target Audience for this Document

Target Audience for this Document

This document is aimed at end users of the Milestone XProtect Analytics solutions for license plate
recognition, perimeter protection, motion detection and countless other purposes.

This document describes how to configure an existing Smart Client for use with video content
analytics, and subsequently how to view analytics data together with live and recorded video in the
Smart Client

For information about installing a Smart Client, and using the Smart Client for other purposes than
analytics, see the separate XProtect Smart Client User’s Manual available from your surveillance
system administrator or from

For information about configuring the XProtect Analytics solution on the surveillance system, refer
to the separate XProtect Analytics Administrator’s Manuals, available on the XProtect Analytics
software DVD as well as from
