Badger Meter Vortex Meters User Manual
Page 16

09-VRX-UM-00408 07/12
Advanced Setup (ADV STUP) - The advances setup menu allows access to entries for applying scaling factors, enabling or
disabling the pulse output, and adding linearization points.
At the ADV STUP prompt press ENTER once. The display will now show a steady NO indication. Press the
arrow key to change
to a YES display. Press ENTER once to access the fi rst parameter.
Scale Factor (SCALE F) - At the SCALE F prompt press the ENTER key once. The current scale factor will begin to fl ash. If the
current selection is correct, press the ENTER key to advance to the next parameter.
The scale factor is used to force a global change to all variables. For example, under operating conditions the display is reading a
consistent 3% below the expected values at all fl ow rates. Rather than changing all parameters individually the scale factor can
be used to compensate for the 3% off set. The scale factor would be set to 1.03 to correct the readings.
The range of scale factors is from 0.5 to 1.5. The default scale factor is 1.00. A scale factor is used to correct (correlation adjustment)
or change the fl ow value displayed on the LCD.
A correlation adjustment allows the user to “force” the display to read a fl ow value diff erent from the factory calibrated value.
This procedure is only valid for an “off set” diff erence. In other words the readings must be off by a constant value or percentage
for the entire measurement range.
Totalizer Pulse Output (PULS OUT) - The pulse output parameter can be either enabled or disabled. When enabled this output
generates a 20 mS duration pulse for every time the least signifi cant digit of the totalizer increments. The amplitude of the pulse
is dependent on the voltage level of the supply connected to the pulse output and is limited to a maximum 30 VDC.
Linearization (LINEAR) - Enhanced accuracy can be obtained by linearization of the display. The linearization routine will accept
a maximum of ten points. Linearization requires additional calibration data from the sensor to be used with the monitor. Typically
calibration information is obtained for three, fi ve, or ten points.
Number of Points - At the LINEAR prompt press ENTER once. The fi rst display number will begin to fl ash. Again the
key increments the value and the
arrow moves the cursor between digits. Enter the number of linear points to be used.
When the number of points has been input press the ENTER key once to move to the fi rst linear segment.
Press the ENTER key once and the fi rst linear point's frequency input will begin to fl ash FREQ 1. Enter the frequency for the
fi rst linear point using the arrow keys. When the frequency value input is completed, press ENTER once again to change to
the coeffi
cient value for the fi rst linear point.
At the COEFF 1 prompt enter the coeffi
cient that corresponds to the frequency value previously entered. Press ENTER once
to move to the next scaling point.
Continue entering pairs of frequency and coeffi
cient points until all data has been entered.
Reset Total - To reset the monitor total display, in run mode press MENU and ENTER simultaneously until TOTAL RST starts to
fl ash. The TOTAL RST will stop fl ashing and the display will return to run mode at the conclusion of the reset procedure.
Store Total - The current total can be manually stored in the monitors fl ash memory. Press and hold the ENTER key for 2 seconds.
The display will respond with a fl ashing TOTALSVD and then start a display test. At the end of the test the instrument will return
to run mode.
Automatic Store Total - The monitor is equipped with a store total feature that works automatically saving the current total to
fl ash memory once every ten minutes.