Martel Electronics BetaLOG-PI User Manual
Page 6

- Trip Range, where interval samples are stored during the run
only when the pressure differential during the interval exceeds a
maximum span or range of values. Sample storage starts when
the difference between an interval's maximum and minimum
measurements becomes greater than the trip setpoint, and
continues at every interval until a subsequent interval's difference
becomes less than the trip reset. Sample storage then stops until
an interval's difference again becomes greater than the trip
setpoint. The run can be stopped manually, or stops
automatically when the log memory is full or the maximum
number of samples per run is logged.
• Sample type selection:
- Last measurement made in the sample interval.
- Average of all measurements made in the sample interval.
- Minimum of all measurements made in the sample interval.
- Maximum of all measurements made in the sample interval.
- Median of all the measurements made in the sample interval, the
midpoint between minimum to maximum measurements.
- Average, minimum, and maximum of all measurements made in
the sample interval. This requires 3 records of storage per
logged sample set and reduces capacity by a factor of 3.
• Log pressure unit selection. All supported pressure units including
• Trip setpoint expressed in log unit selection.
• Trip reset expressed in log unit selection.
• Log custom pressure unit factor.
When the data logging mode is set to the Demand mode the user can
set the gauge up to data log without the need to first connect it to the
computer. The gauge menus are used to enter and change some data
logging parameters, while the remaining parameters default to fixed
values. The gauge menus may be used to change the logging
parameters between runs without affecting previously logged data
stored in memory. The demand mode data logging parameters are:
• Interval time selection:
- 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 seconds
- 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 minutes
- 1 hour
• Maximum number of samples to log. This may range from 1 to the
full capacity of the gauge.
• Log type selection fixed at 'Continuous'.