Excel templates, 1 single run graph, 2 single run pressure and – Martel Electronics BetaLOG-PI User Manual

Page 22: 2 single run pressure and tempeature graph

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Include Field

Place a checkmark next to each field that is to be exported.
Logged pressure readings are always exported.

Insert Description

An optional field description may be included for each field
being exported. Place a checkmark on each field
description that is to be included.

Excel Cell

Enter the cell location where the data is to be placed. Cell
columns may range from A to YZ. Cell rows may range from
1 to 99999. The data fields are placed as follows:

Run description fields

If the field description is included, the field
description is placed in the specified cell and the
field value is placed in the next cell to the right. If
the field description is not included, the field value is
placed in the specified cell. The Gauge Description
has 4 values (manufacturer, model, serial number,
and firmware version) all in one cell separated by
commas. The Log and Data Type, Trip Setpoint and
Reset, and Initial Zero and Tare fields each consist of
two data items which occupy two rows, each with its
own description and field value, with the second row
immediately below the first.

Zero Changes

Zero changes are listed one per row starting at the
specified cell row. There are four field values for
each zero change: the date, the time, the new zero
setting, and the pressure unit. The second, third,
and fourth values are placed in the immediately
adjacent cells to the right of the first. If the field
description is included, the field description is
placed in the specified cell column and the field
values are placed in the next cell columns to the
right. If the field description is not included, the field
values are placed in the specified cell columns.

Pressure Readings

Pressure readings are listed one per row starting at
the specified cell row. There are four field values for
each single value pressure reading: the date, the
time, the reading, and the pressure unit. The
second, third, and fourth values are placed in the
immediately adjacent cells to the right of the first.