Viii — operation, Turning the power supply on, Accessing the menus – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Quick Start Guide User Manual

Page 8: Operation

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228-1692 REV 3


KEPCO, INC. " 131-38 SANFORD AVENUE " FLUSHING, NY. 11355 U.S.A. " TEL (718) 461-7000 " FAX (718) 767-1102 " email: [email protected]


Additional features covered in the Operator Manual
are: Quick Boot (eliminating the power- up displays),
use of the internal relay, operation via the LAN inter-
face or analog signals and setting coarse/fine
adjustment preference of the VOLTAGE and CUR-
RENT controls. An Installation/Operation Summary
is also included in the Operator Manual. The Opera-
tor Manual also covers the GPIB and RS
232interfaces, including the use of the drivers down-
loadable from:


DO NOT repeatedly toggle the cir-
cuit breaker/switch as this may
damage the unit.

Set POWER ON/OFF circuit breaker/switch on front
panel to ON. If actuator does not lock when
released, wait a few seconds before trying again.
The circuit breaker is “trip-free” design; if overload
exists, contacts cannot be held closed by actuator.

• When the power supply is turned on, it per-

forms a brief self-test that includes testing the
three processors (analog, interface and dis-
play), then displays the power-up screen (see
Figure 5). If an error is detected, the FAULT
indicator will light, information about the error
will be briefly displayed on the LCD.

• If the unit powers up in REMOTE mode, press


to set the unit to LOCAL mode.

• If the display is not viewable, press



The display will cycle through the range of
contrast settings. Press


again to lock in

the preferred contrast.

ACCESSING THE MENUS. From the power-up

screen, pressing the Function keys indicated on the
LCD opens the associated menu. The menu opened
may list submenus that may be opened either
directly by pressing the associated Function keys, or
by highlighting an item on the list and pressing the
View/Modify function key. Menus and submenus will
display a list of parameters, with the top one high-
lighted. The function key assignments can vary, but
generally offer the following choices:


allows the highlighted parameter to be

viewed or modified. After changing the param-

eter, the following choices are available:



SAVE or ENTER to save the change,



EXIT to abort the change and exit to the previ-
ous menu.


- RESTORE DEFAULT restores factory

defaults for the parameters displayed (except
for GPIB address). The factory defaults may
be saved as power-up defaults by pressing




- The function varies, depending on the

menu. In most cases


is used to abort a

change without applying the modified setting.
From the power-up screen


is used to

adjust contrast. In the Revisions/TEST sub-
menu of the General Setup Menu,


is used

to execute a test.


- SAVE FOR POWER-UP Saves the con-

figuration shown as a power-up setting so the
changes will not be lost when the unit is
turned off.


- APPLY EXIT applies the current

(changed) setting without saving for power-up
and exits to the previous menu or to the
power-up screen, EXIT leaves the current
menu without saving or applying changes.

The menu structure is as follows (NOTE: BOLD =
Factory Default):

Power-up Screen (Power up menu)


- Save/Recall

Saved Setups: Recall one of 99 saved set-

Saved Setup Details: Mode (voltage/
current), main channel reference (inter-
nal/external/external reference level)
and setting, protection limit (internal/
external/lesser limit) and setting(s), out-
put status (on/off)


- Waveform

Saved Waveforms: Choose one of 16
saved waveforms.

New Waveform Settings: Name (max.
10 characters), protection settings,
count, mode (voltage/current)

Waveform Settings: Name, protection
settings, count, segment list, mode

Segment Details: Type (square/
frequency or period, p-p amplitude,
offset, start/stop angle for sine and
triangle, initial/repeat


- Display

Display and Beep Settings: Display
(meters/graphics (12 choices)), back-
ground (white/black), contrast, beep (On/
Off/Error only)
