Fire-Lite IPDACT-2UD Technical Reference User Manual
Page 24

IPDACT-UD - Configuration
Rev. 2.0
This permits you to prompt the Teldat VisorALARM for the complete
configuration required by the IPDACT-UD in order to function. This register
does not require you to configure any parameters and is limited to simply
execute a request. In order to do this, you require the installer password.
The configuration the IPDACT-UD receives has been configured in the
VisorALARM through a profile. The parameters common to a set of IPDACT-
UDs are in the said profile.
The register mechanism permits you to quickly configure a set of IPDACT-
UDs with common parameters. Only those parameters which uniquely
identify an IPDACT-UD must be configured by the installer: account number,
local IP parameters, output switch and actions to take should the PSTN fail.
The register is composed of one field with up to 16 digits. By default this
register is not configured with a value. Should you enter a value, it is not
maintained between requests. For further information, please see section IV-
Permits you to reset the IPDACT-UD so that some parameters have validity.
So that the operation is effective you need to provide the access password for
the console.
The register is made up of a single field, corresponding to the access
password. If the password is valid, the device will reset; should this be
incorrect an error tone will be emitted followed by the console dialing tone.
This register does not store any data in the IPDACT-UD configuration.
IPDACT-UD account number
Account number identifying the IPDACT-UD to the IP Visor Alarm receiver
and the security company’s automation software. In order to simplify the
identification process, we recommend that the last four figures in this
parameter coincide with the account number assigned to the control panel to
which this is designated.
The account number is made up by two parts:
4 bytes for LINE-ID
4 bytes for the account number
The 4 left-hand bytes (digits) are inserted in the LINE-ID field in the
CONTACT-ID frame. Depending on the type of alarm-receiver simulated by
the VisorALARM, the CONATCT-ID frame uses from 1 to 3 digits to code the
CONTACT-ID field. Currently, the VisorALARM can simulate several types of
alarm-receiver, and the following table depicts the amount of bits to code
LINE-ID field for every simulated alarm-receiver:
Emulated receiver
LINE-ID digits