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Chapter 2 Operation
(3)Saving the file
The displayed data is saved in the file.
Click the [Save] button.
→ The data is saved in the selected file and any existing data in that file is overwritten.
Click the [Save As] button.
→ The data is saved in a new file.
(*) The group data name can be set by inputting it into [Name] of the "Group Editor." This name is stored in the file
when a panel ROM is used but it will not be sent to the VG.
(4)Sending the group data
1) Click the [Send] button. The "Send to VG" code selection dialog box appears.
2) Set the group number (1 to 99).
3) Click the [OK] button. The group data is now sent to the VG and registered. (The number of the data sent now
replaces the previous number appearing in [No.].)
4) The group data name can be set by inputting it into [Name] on the group data setting tab of the group data setting
window. This name is stored in the file when a panel ROM is used but it will not be sent to the VG.
(5)Receiving the group data
1) Click the [Receive] button. The "Receive from VG" number selection dialog box appears.
2) Set the group number (1 to 99).
3) Click the [OK] button. The reception of the group data is now started. (The number of the received group data now
replaces the previous number appearing in [No.].)
(*) When program data is received from the panel ROM (HN58C65P only), it has a 2-digit number.
Group data can be received using an old VG model but it cannot be sent to one.
(6)Printing the group data
1) Click the [Print] button to print the group data which has been created.
2) The "Print" dialog box appears. Set the margins here.
3) Click the [OK] button. The displayed data is now printed.
4) To change the printer which has been set, click the [Set Printer...] button.
5) The printer setting dialog box appears. Proceed with the printer settings. For details on how the items on this dialog
box are set, refer to the instruction manual for Windows or for the printer which will be used.
(7)Registering the program
The program data files in the directory are registered on the layout data list. (If layout data files have not been loaded,
they cannot be registered.)
1) Click the [Edit] button.
2) The "Program Layout Editor" program data registration dialog box appears. For details on the registration method,
refer to "Selecting and editing the layout data files" in Section 3-11.