14 rf link quality and battery status, 15 system diagnostics, System diagnostics – Detcon CXT-N7 User Manual
Page 23

Model X40
Model X40 Instruction Manual
Rev. 0.0
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These values can be changed by swiping the magnet over the markers of the up or down arrows to move
the arrow prompt “→” to the desired function. A swipe over the ENTER marker will select the function
indicated by the arrow prompt “→” and the value can be changed by swiping over the markers of the up or
down arrows. Another swipe over the ENTER marker will save the selected value.
The INHIBIT MODE has a timer range from 0-60 minutes. Once the timer value has been entered in
minutes and seconds, select START and all relay outputs on the network will be disabled until the timer
reaches 0 or is manually stopped by the user.
When turned ON, the ALARM TEST MODE simulates alarm conditions by incrementing the gas readings
from 0 for all active gas channels at 5% full scale. When full scale is reached, the readings will decrement
back to 0 and the unit will exit the test mode. The test mode can also be terminated at any time during the
test cycle by turning OFF the alarm test mode. As the readings cross their respective alarm set points, the
relays will fire according to their configuration.
4.3.14 RF Link Quality and Battery Status
The RF LINK QUALITY AND BATTERY STATUS menu displays the network RF link quality between
the RXT-320 transceiver of the CXT controller and of the RXT-320 transceivers of the wireless sensors
configured to the CXT controller. This menu also displays the battery life of the Smart Battery Packs
powering the RXT-320’s of the wireless sensors. Upon entering this menu, the LCD will display:
F0> ------------------ BATTERY:DC POWER
01> RF LINK:##% BATTERY:##D ##H ##M
The first line corresponds to the information of the CXT controller’s transceiver (indicated by the
transceiver’s Modbus™ address ‘F0’) and will only show the BATTERY status since there is no link
quality available. The other lines correspond to the CXT sensors and RXT-320 transceiver information of
the devices controlled by the CXT on the network. Each transceiver available will be identified by its
Modbus™ address followed by the RF LINK value and BATTERY status. The RF LINK value is a
percentage representing the RF link quality between the controller’s transceiver and the CXT sensor or
RXT-320 transceiver. The BATTERY status display will be: ‘##D ##H ##M’ if the device is powered by a
smart battery pack, the DC voltage applied to the CXT sensor if the CXT sensor is not powered by a smart
battery pack, or ‘DC POWER’ if the RXT-320 transceiver is powered by a DC power source other than a
Smart Battery Pack. The ‘##D ##H ##M’ value corresponds to the days, hours and minutes of life
remaining for the Smart Battery Pack connected to the device’s transceiver. The battery life is only
displayed in D/H/M when the remaining life is less than 45 days. If it is more than 45 days, it is displayed
as a percentage of battery life remaining. Refer to Section 4.3.9 for setting thresholds that triggers a low
battery fault and alerts the user of a low battery state.
NOTE: While in the RF LINK QUALITY AND BATTERY STATUS menu, the controller
performs a complete Modbus™ poll cycle and automatically times out of the menu and returns
to Main Menu mode after 60 seconds of inactivity.
4.3.15 System Diagnostics
The SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICS menu performs function tests for the LCD display, the panel LED’s, the
external reset switch, the relays and Modbus™ interface. Upon entering this menu, the CXT controller will
automatically initiate a function test that displays every pixel of the 4 line, 40 character LCD display. The
controller then performs a function test of the LED drivers by activating all four LED’s. After the LED
test, the controller will initiate a test for the external reset switch which lets the user know when the reset
switch is pressed. The user will be prompted to “press (swipe) enter key (marker) to continue” which will
initiate the relay driver test and the controller will then reset all the relays and turn on the alarm 1 relay.
The user will be prompted to “press (swipe) any key (marker)” which will turn on the alarm 2 relay. The