2 normal operation, 3 menu functions, Normal operation – Detcon CXT-N7 User Manual
Page 14: Menu functions, Figure 9 front panel user interface

Model X40
Model X40 Instruction Manual
Rev. 0.0
Page 8 of 23
silence alarms once the end-user has assessed the alarm condition. The RESET/ACKNOWLEDGE
function of the switch is only applicable from the Main Display and not while in Main Menu mode.
I n t e g r a t e d A l a r m & C o n t r o l S y s t e m
Figure 9 Front Panel User Interface
NOTE: The controller automatically times out of Main Menu mode and returns to the Main
Display after 15 seconds of inactivity.
NOTE: The RESET/ACKNOWLEDGE function is applicable from the Main Display only.
4.2 Normal Operation
The Main Display is a 1¼” x 6” backlit LCD that has 4 lines by 40 characters. In normal operation, the
configured channels are displayed up to 8 channels at a time. The LCD displays will refresh itself about
every 10 seconds and will display the next 8 channel group and so on until the LCD cycles back to the first
8 channel group and repeats the process. When the CXT is in alarm, the display will stay on the channel
group with the channel in alarm. If two or more channels in different groups are in alarm, the display will
cycle through all the groups with alarms. The user can manually advance to the next group using the arrow
switches. Each channel’s information is shown as:
XX> YYY “Device Tag”
Where ‘XX’ is the channel number, ‘YYY’ is the current gas concentration value, and “Device Tag” is the
description of the sensor. If any channel is in an alarm condition, “XX> YYY IN ALARM#” will be
displayed for that channel. If any gas channel is in fault, “XX> YYY IN FAULT” is displayed for that
channel. If any channel is not communicating that channel will display “XX> 0 COMM ERR”.
Four LED indicators on the front panel show alarm and fault alarm status. The LED’s represent ALM 1
(yellow), ALM 2 (yellow), ALM 3 (red) and FAULT (blue) and are labeled respectively.
4.3 Menu Functions
The CXT controller setup is accomplished through the MAIN MENU. The MAIN MENU consists of 18
menu items: