Detcon PI-600 User Manual
Page 19

3.5 S
Upon completion of all mechanical mounting and termination of all f ield wiring, apply system power and observe the
following normal conditions:
PI-600 “Fault” LED is off.
A temporary upscale reading will occur as the sensor powers up. This upscale reading should clear to “0” ppm with-
in approximately 5-10 minutes of turn-on, assuming there is no gas in the area of the sensor.
NOTE 1: If the display contrast needs adjustment, refer to section 3.11.
NOTE 2: If the sensor does not clear to zero after 15 minutes of warm-up, there may be target VOC gases present in the area.
3.5.1 Initial Operational Tests
After a warm up period has been allowed for, the sensor should be checked to verify sensitivity to its target gas.
Material Requirements
Detcon PN 943-000006-132 Calibration Adapter
Span gas containing isobutylene in air. It is recommended that the target gas concentration be 50% of scale at a con-
trolled f low rate of 200 cc/min. For example, a Model PI-600 sensor in the range 0-100ppm would require a test gas of
50ppm isobutylene. For a sensor with a range of 0-10ppm a test gas of 5ppm is recommended, etc. Other concentra-
tions are acceptable as long as they are between 10%-90% of full-scale range.
Attach the calibration adapter to the sensor housing. Apply the test gas at a controlled f low rate of 200 cc/min.
Observe that the LCD display increases to a level of ±10% of applied concentration.
Remove the test gas and observe that the LCD display decreases to “
0 PPM”.
Initial operational tests are complete. Detcon PID gas sensors are pre-calibrated prior to shipment and will, in most
cases, not require signif icant adjustment on start up. However, it is recommended that complete zero and span calibra-
tions be performed within 24 hours of installation. Refer to calibration instructions in later text.
3.6 O
& M
Operating software is menu listed with operator interface via the two magnetic program switches located under the face
plate. The two switches are referred to as “PGM 1” and “PGM 2”. The menu list consists of 3 items which include sub-
menus as indicated below. (Note: see section 3.7 for a complete software f low chart.)
Normal Operation
a) Current Status
Calibration Mode
a) Zero
b) Span
Program Menu
a) View Program Status
b) Alarm 1 Level
c) Alarm 2 Level
d) Set Calibration Level
e) Set Response Factor
f) Set Zero Offset
3.6.1 Normal Operation
In normal operation, the display tracks the current status of the sensor and gas concentration and appears as:
“0 PPM xxx” (the “xxx” is the abbreviated gas type, ie., “0 PPM VOC”. The mA current output corresponds to the
monitoring level of 0-100% of range = 4-20 mA.
PI-600 Toxic Gas Sensors PG.19