Series 72 manual page 17 – COSA Xentaur Hygrocontrol Type 72 User Manual
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Series 72 Manual page 17
Again this value is sent with resolution of 1/10 %RH (or any other dimension)
without decimal point as ASCII-code. The highest decimal is sent first.
Dewpoints may have negative values which are transmitted as their dual-
complement (16-Bit), without sign, in the same way as negative temperatures.
00809 is to read 80.9 %RH (or other dimension)
9.3. Error Messages via digital Output
If an error occurs while measuring temperature and humidity (Short circuit or
break of line), the corresponding value of digital output will be replaced by
"ERR--" . "--" stands for two spaces, no error number will be sent!
10. Error Messages
10.1. Tests when Transmitter is set to Power
All transmitters of series HYGROCONTROL 72 are supplied with a test routine,
which is activated if the transmitter is powered. Not only are all segments of the
dual line LCD-display switched on for a short period, but also internal and
external memories, and reference resistors - used for temperature
measurements - are checked.
If errors are detected, the program stops any other activity and an error
message is displayed. This message can be one of the list below:
1) "TEST 9"
= Pushbuttons not free = Press buttons, try again.
2) "TEST 8"
= Error of internal RAM
3) "TEST 7"
= Error, reading the internal EEPROM'S
4) "TEST 5"
= Error, reading the external EEPROM'S
5) "TEST 4"
= Reference resistors for Temperature detection are
out of tolerance. (Upper line of LCD-display
shows additional error number!)
6) "TEST 0"
= No error detected = normal display of Humidity-
and Temperature- Values will come shortly!
In addition to message "TEST 9", also message "TEST 5" allows the user to
make an improvement by himself. Please check if a probe is connected to the
10.2. Error Messages in normal Measurement Mode.
During the normal measurement mode, the microprocessor steadily checks all
signals which are necessary for a proper output. If any error occurs, in addition
to the display of the remaining signal (Humidity or Temperature), an error