Ventamatic EC18DVS Manual User Manual
Page 7

7.3 Daily maintenance
15 minutes before quitting time – turn off the water pump and let the fan run 10 – 15 minutes – to dry out the cooling pads
before leaving. Inspect the cooling pads to make sure they are thoroughly dry (this action helps to reduce mold and mildew)
when pads are completely dry then turn-off fan.
7.4 Periodic maintenance
Depending upon your environment and how often you operate your MaxxAir will depend on how dirty your water gets in
the reservoir and how often you will need to clean it. If you begin to detect an algae smell coming from your unit – it’s time
to flush your MaxxAir reservoir with fresh water. Refer to and follow the steps above in 7.2 and remove 1 of the cooling
pads from the left side of the unit to gain access to your water reservoir. Take a small sponge and clean out your water
reservoir with a light cleaner and wipe it down completely and let the unit dry. (You may want to use a wet / dry shop
vacuum to clean out unit). When unit is clean add ½ Evap-O-Matic tablet to reservoir and replace your cooling pads (make
sure flutes are facing correct direction – see photo) retaining bar and bolts and add fresh, clean water back to the units’ water
reservoir. Note: You can order more Evap-O-Matic tablets by calling 1.800.433.1626.
Warning! Do not run pump without water in the reservoir. This action will burn up your MaxxAir’s water pump.
7.5 MaxxAir Trouble Shooting Guide
1. Water on the Floor
A. Front of unit . . .
B. Back of unit
2. Found water on floor after
overnight shut off.
3. Foul odor from fan
A. New Unit . . .
Damage to polyethylene housing. Note:
Check for possible cracks in the blue
Excess water at top or bottom of pads.
Damage to blue polyethylene housing.
Leaking from bottom of pads.
Excessive water pressure.
Float valve maybe stuck in open position.
New pad may have a temporary odor (this
is normal) – you may be smelling the
thermosetting resin – it will pass.
Repair as necessary.
Very gently move pads slightly with your finger
Search for leaks and repair as necessary.
Push bottom of cooling pads gently inside to
stop leaking.
Check your water pressure. Max water pressure
is 60 p.s.i., by adding a water pressure regulator
found at local hardware store.
Contaminants in water; drain cooler, sump and
refill. If float remains stuck remove pads and
examine float for debris or damage. Wash out
debris and replace float. Continue.
Drain and refill several times in first week to
remove thermosetting resin smell.
Add Evap-O-Matic Tablet to reduce smell –
and algae.