Show time: display time in live, Language: setup the menu language, Time & date – LT Security LTD2432MD User Manual

Page 25: Fig 4-4 basic configuration-time & date, 2 time & date

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DVR User Manual


Password check: If enabled, the user would need to input the user name and the password for performing corresponding


Show time: display time in live.

Show wizard: if this item is selected, there will display an opening wizard with time zone and time setup information

Max network uses: set the max user amount of network connection

VGA resolution: the resolution of live display interface, range from: VGA800*600, VGA1024*768, VGA1280*1024 and CVBS
Note:When switch between VGA and CVBS will change the menu output mode, please connect to relevant monitor.
Language: setup the menu language.

Note: After changing the language and video output, the device needs to login again.

4.1.2 Time & date

Step1: enter into system configurationbasic

configurationtime & date; refer to Fig 4-4:

Step2: set the date format, time format, time zone in this

interface; tick off “sync time with NTP server” to refresh

NTP server date; user also can adjust system date


Fig 4-4 basic configuration-time & date

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