LT Security LTN7732-P8 Platinum Setup Guide User Manual
Platinum guide

A u t h o r – R y a n D L a n g
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P a g e
Platinum Guide
Quick Info
Default Username:
Default Password:
Default Resolution: 1920x1080P (HDMI)
Default Recording:
Default NVR IP#:
App Name:
DDNS Web Site:
Ports to Forward:
8000 (server/app)
8554 (video/RTSP)
Player Software:
Onvif Version:
2.2 Profile S
IP Scanner:
Table of Contents
Networking the NVR, IPC, & External PoE ........ 2
Assign or Find the NVR’s IP Address ................. 3
Scanning & Adding IP Cameras ......................... 4
Camera Configuration (Picture / Name) ........... 6
Camera Positioning ........................................... 7
Recording (Motion / Fulltime) .......................... 8
Port Forwarding ................................................ 9
Port Fwd. Ex. 1 (Newer Linksys) .................. 10
Port Fwd. Ex. 2 (Older Linksys) .................... 11
DDNS Registration and Setup ......................... 12
Search & Playback (Normal / Smart) .............. 14
Backup & Export.............................................. 15
Single Clip Backup (Snipping) ...................... 17
E-mail Alert Setup ........................................... 18
Resetting the Password .................................. 20
NVMS7000 Setup ............................................ 21
RTSP Video & JPEG Image ............................... 23
Troubleshooting .............................................. 24
The built-in PoE ports are plug-and-play,
requiring no configuration for Platinum IP
cameras. The cameras will be arranged in
order by port number.
See the
firmware and software.
Be sure to close and reopen Firefox, Chrome,
or Safari after installing the web component.
from the Platinum Download Page.
The USB ports on the front and back can be
used for either the mouse or a flash drive.
It helps to plan out IP addresses in advance and
label Ethernet cords. This aids organization
and troubleshooting.
It is often easier to copy and paste the DDNS
information from the site into
the web interface. This prevents typos.