Installation – Lincoln Electric IM840 ETHERNET_DEVICENET MODULE K2436-1 User Manual
Page 20

LED Information
1. Indicates isolated Module section supply is On.
2. Indicates that the DeviceNet network has 24v power.
3 & 4 - Arclink Status Leds -
Both Off - Arclink offline, check power or configuration.
Green On, Red Off - Online and operational (Normal Status)
Flash Green, Red Off - System Mapping
Green Off, Red Flashing - Non-recoverable system fault. Error code number flash red with long pause
between digits. Green flash between codes.
5 & 6 - Module status indicators - Not Used
7 & 8 - DeviceNet Status LEDs
Green Led Only - There is a DeviceNet connection established and everything is OK.
Both Off - There is no DeviceNet connection established. Note, that when the board first powers up it will
be in this state for a minute or so.
Flashing Green - The DeviceNet connection is ready to go and knows that a DeviceNet Master is pre-
sent, but does not have any connections established to it.
Flashing Red - One or more connections are in the Timed-out state.
Red - The device had an unrecoverable DeviceNet fault, like a Bus-Off or Duplicate Mac ID.
9 - Indicates Isolated Arclink section supply is On.
10 - Indicates Ethernet connection established.
11 - Indicates correct polarity on Ethernet connection.
12 - Indicates 5v supply to Differential I/O.