Condec PIN8010 User Manual
Page 18

PIN8000/PIN8010 Operation and Maintenance Manual
21. Close the pressure (coarse) valve by turning the pressure (coarse) knob (*11) clockwise.
22. Close the vent valve knob insert (4) clockwise until slightly snug.
23. With a pressure source connected to the input port (*4). Use the Condec REG 1000 (*10), to increase the
regulated pressure to 1,000 PSIG. Enable the power switch (*2) and monitor the pressure as it builds in
the accumulator gauge (*7). Turn the power switch (*2) off when 8,000-10,000 PSIG has been achieved.
Open the pressure (coarse) valve until the indicated pressure viewed on the electronic calibration
standard, attached to one of the output ports (*9), stabilizes and then close the pressure (coarse) valve.
Do not operate the unit in continuous mode without an operator being present.
24. Slowly turn the vent valve knob insert (4) counter-clockwise until the electronic calibration standard
display, attached to one of the output ports (*9) starts to decrease, then turn the knob insert (4) slightly
until the indicated pressure stops decreasing.
25. Follow steps 13 through 19 replacing the term pressure (coarse) valve with vent valve. The vent valve is
now adjusted.
Accumulator Assembly, O-ring (PN 58051) Replacement, Filter (PN 56993) Cleaning
Tools required:
Phillips screwdriver
5/8" Open end wrench
Adjustable wrench
A/R 1/4" wide teflon tape, (PN 60575)
Tube fluorinated Krytox grease (PN 55593)
A/R solvent (de-natured alcohol)
1. Remove the accumulator assembly from PIN8000/PIN8010 per Section 4.2.2 on page 6.
2. Place the accumulator body in vise, using flats.
3. Remove the plug adapter fitting (PN 57134) using an adjustable wrench.
4. Remove the O-ring (PN 58051) and back-up ring (PN 59735).
5. Remove the accumulator body from the vise and place the adapter fitting in the vise, using flats with
threads facing upwards.
6. Remove the filter retainer fitting (PN 57811) using a wrench.
7. Remove the plug adapter fitting from the vise, turn upside down, and remove the filter.
8. Clean the filter (PN 56993) in solvent (de-natured alcohol) and blow-dry with compressed air.
1. Place the filter (PN 56993) into the filter retainer fitting (PN 57811).
2. Finger-tighten the filter retainer fitting into the plug adapter fitting (PN 57134).
3. Place the plug adapter fitting (PN 57134) in a vise and tighten the filter retainer fitting.
4. Grease the O-ring/back-up ring groove on the plug adapter fitting.
5. Grease both sides of the O-ring (PN 58051) and back-up ring (PN 59735). Install the back-up ring onto
the plug adapter fitting, followed by the O-ring.
Use a pointed bent pick when installing the O-ring to prevent damage. Verify the backup ring split is properly aligned.
6. Place the accumulator body in a vise using flats. Grease the accumulator body in the O-ring seat area,
then slowly thread the plug adapter fitting using an adjustable wrench into the accumulator body.
To help seat the back-up ring, hand-tighten the plug adapter fitting close to bottoming, then wrap an 8" piece of 22
AWG, solid buss wire around the edge of the back-up ring with a gap between the accumulator body and plug
adapter fitting. Pull the buss wire ends to squeeze the back-up ring into the proper position within the accumulator
body. Verify the back-up ring split is properly aligned and overlapping properly.
7. Tighten the plug adapter fitting.
8. Install the accumulator assembly into PIN8000/PIN8010 per Section 4.2.7 on page 10.