Port settings, Running/stopping the executable function, Monitor server function of the executable function – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual

Page 22: Executable function status display, Group and channel assignments, Port settings -3, Running/stopping the executable function -3, Executable function status display -3, Group and channel assignments -3, Index port settngs

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Port Settngs

GateDX-P uses the following ports.

• Montor Server Port

The TCP/IP port number used for communication with DAQLOGGER or Remote


Runnng/Stoppng the Executable Functon

The user interface allows you to start and stop the executable function.

The executable function runs under one of the following two methods or “types.”

• Process Run/Stop

The executable function is run/stopped as a process.

• Service Run/Stop

The executable function is registered as an automatically executing service, then

run. After an executable function running as a service is stopped, its registration as

a service is deleted. As indicated by the service execution status, the executable

function continues processing even when the user has logged off of Windows.

Also, the software is automatically run as a service when the computer is turned
ON. Service execution can only be specified by users with Administrator privileges.
Services cannot be executed when using Windows Vista.

Montor Server Functon of the Executable Functon

When the executable function is running, you can connect from DAQLOGGER or

Remote Monitor via Ethernet using the remote monitor protocol, and acquire data. In this

case, system numbers are assigned as follows:

DX100P/DX200P assigned to Recorder1: system number 0

DX100P/DX200P assigned to Recorder2: system number 1

Executable Functon Status Dsplay

The user interface allows you to display status items for the executable function.

The information that can be displayed is as follows:

• Practice status (stopped, running as a service, running as a process)

• Connection status from the client

Displays a list of PCs running DAQLOGGERS and Remote Monitors with which the

executable software has opened a connection.

Group and Channel Assgnments

When connected to GateDX-P using Remote Monitor, the initial status of group and

channel assignments are as follows:

Group Name

Waveform Number

Channel Assgnment

Group 1

Measure Ch







Group 2

Math Ch








When connecting DAQLOGGER to Gate-DXP, group and waveform assignments are ignored.

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