Yokogawa EXA ISC202 2-wire Conductivity Transmitter/Analyzer User Manual
Page 16

IM 12D06A03-01E
2-4 Specifications
NEPSI Certification (ISC202S-K)
NEPSI Intrinsically Safe Type
Cert No. GYJ081158X
• Applicable Standard:
GB3836.1-2000, GB3836.4-2000
• Type of Protection and Marking Code:
Ex ia IIC T4/T6
• Ambient Temperature :
T6; –10 to 40°C, T4; –10 to 55°C
Note 1 Entity Parameters
• Intrinsically safe input parameters
(terminal + and -):
Maximum Input Voltage (Ui) = 31.5 V
Maximum Input Current (Ii) = 100 mA
Maximum Input Power (Pi) = 1.2 W
Maximum Internal Capacitance (Ci) = 22 nF
Maximum Internal Inductance (Li) = 35 μH
• Intrinsically safe output parameters and maximum
external parameters
(terminal 11 and 17):
Uo=14.4 V, Io=20 mA, Po=190 mW, Co=600
nF, Lo=88 mH
Note 2 Installation
• Electrostatic charges on the display window shall
be avoided.
• The external earth connection facility shall be
connected reliably.
• The instrument modification or parts replacement
by other than authorized representative of
Yokogawa Electric Corporation and will void
NEPSI Intrinsically safe certification.
• The user shall not change the configuration in
order to maintain/ensure the explosion protection
performance of the equipment. Any change may
impair safety.
• For installation, use and maintenance of
the product, the end user shall observe the
instruction manual and the following standards:
GB50257-1996 "Code for construction and
acceptance of electric device for explosion
atmospheres and fire hazard electrical
equipment installation engineering''.
GB3836.13-1997 "Electrical apparatus for
explosive gas atmospheres Part 13: Repair and
overhaul for apparatus used in explosive gas
GB3836.15-2000 "Electrical apparatus for
explosive gas atmospheres- Part 15: Electrical
installations in hazardous area (other than
mines)" .
GB3836.16-2006 "Electrical apparatus for
explosive gas atmospheres- Part 16: lnspection
and maintenance of electrical installation (other
than mines)".
mA-HART® communication
A. Input
: Two wire system 4-20 mA
B. Power supply
ISC202G :
up to 40 volts
ISC202S :
up to 31.5 volts
The transmitter contains a switched
power supply, drawing its energy
from the 0-4 mA section of the
signal. Consequently the 17 volt
limit is applied at 4 mA. The
characteristic of the unit is such that
above about 7 mA on the output, the
terminal voltage can drop to 14.5
volts without problem.
C. Transmission:
Isolated output of 4 to 20 mA DC.
D. Signal
: Maximum load 425Ω at 24 VDC.
(see fi gure 2-1)
Burn to signal failure acc.
NAMUR Recommendation NE43
E. Operating range :
3.9 to 21 mA
F. Communication
HART®, 1200 Baud, FSK
modulated on 4 to 20 mA signal
G. Configuration
: Local with 6 keys
H. Software :
Firmware based on Yokogawa stack.
I. Hardware :
Yokogawa HART® Modem F9197UB
J. Other Control systems
Yokogawa PRM, Rosemount
AMS, Siemens PDM
K. Hand Terminal :
Rosemount HHT 275/375
L. Other control systems:
Yokogawa PRM, Rose-
mount AMS, Siemens PDM\
M. Output span
- Conductivity : min 0.01μS/cm, max. 1999 mS/
(max 90% zero suppression)
- Resistivity : min 0.001k
·cm, max.
999 M
(max 90% zero
suppression) The
is user programmable for
linear or non-linear conductivity
N. Cable specification
0.5 mm diameter or 24 AWG
over maximum length of 1500 m
O. DD specification
The ISC202 Device Description
is available enabling
communications with the
Handheld Communicator and
compatible devices.