Tech n ical p ape r, Measurement, Conclusions – PCT Engineered Comparison of UV and EB Technology for Printing and Packaging Applications User Manual
Page 9: References

ical P
directly linked to line speed. Beam
current automatically ramps to
maintain a constant cure dose at all
speeds. The typical preventive
maintenance interval is 4,000 to 8,000
hours and mainly involves changing
window foils and filaments. Factors
affecting the EB maintenance cycle are
process cleanliness and window
temperature control.
One factor to consider is that when
an EB unit is down for maintenance
the process must stop. With a multilamp
UV system, it may be possible to slow
but not stop the process while waiting
for repairs on one of the lamps.
Measurement is critical for
maintaining a constant process for UV
and EB. There is a wide range of
radiometers available to measure the
output of UV lamp systems. These
include electronic probes which may
be temporality inserted or fixed in the
lamp housing. Radiometers are also
available which can be attached to the
moving substrate.
UV-sensitive films
are available that can attach to a
substrate and not interfere as they
pass through press stations or rollers.
The films may produce a visible color
change or require a subsequent optical
reading which is related to the UV
The limits of each type of
radiometer must be understood in
order to be used effectively.
The most common type of EB
measurement involves exposure of thin
films containing radiochromic
indicators. The optical changes in the
films are subsequently measured
against calibration cures which are
generated from films traceable to
NIST standards.
UV and EB are environmentally
sound technologies well suited for
printing and packaging applications.
The selection of UV or EB should be
based on the best fit for the selected
application. For some applications the
choice is obvious. Others may require a
cost/benefit analysis in order to make
the best choice.
1. A. Mykytiuk,
Flexible Packaging,
August 2000, p. 16.
2. A. J. Berejka,
RadTech Report,
September/October 2003, p. 50.
3. R. W. Stowe, RadTech 1996
Conference Proceedings, p. 472.
4. S. Whittle, Flexo, January 2005, p. 40.
5. S. C. Lapin,
RadTech Report,
November/December 2006, p. 45.
6. I. Rangwalla, E F. Maguire,
Report, May/June 2000, p. 27.
7. T. Molamphy, RadTech UV&EB Curing
Technology Expo & Conference,
Conference Proceedings, May 2008.
8. M. Laksin, J. Epstein,
RadTech Report,
March/April 2007, p. 15.
9. I. Rangwalla, RadTech Europe ‘05
Conference Proceedings, October
10. R. Meij, RadTech Europe ‘05
Conference Proceedings, October
11. M. Laksin, V. Linzer, T. Best, J. Modi,
S. Chatterjee, TAPPI PLACE Division
Conference, August 2004.
12. R. Sanders,
RadTech Report, March/
April 2006, p. 20.
13. D. Meskan, A. Klein, RadTech Europe
‘91 Conference Proceedings,
September 1991, p. 93.
14. I. Rangwalla, TAPPI PLACE Division
Conference, September 2005.
15. D. Samide, E. Midlik, TAPPI PLACE
Division Conference, September 2005.
16. J-L Birbaum, R. Huesler, J-P Wolf, S.
Ilg, S. Villeneuve, RadTech 2006
Conference Proceedings, April 2006.
17. S. Narayan-Sarathy, M. Gould, A.
Zaranec, L. Hahn,
American Ink Maker,
March/April 2004
18. C. R. Nielson, G. G. Misko,
Report, July/August 2001, p. 12.
19. M. Marrapese, RadTech UV&EB
Technology Expo & Conference,
May 2008.
20. R. W. Stowe, RadTech 2002
Conference Proceedings, p. 475.
21. R. W. Stowe, J. W. Guerniere,
RadTech Europe ’07 Conference
Proceedings, November 2007.
22. A. Testoni, S. Norasetthekul, P. M.
Fletcher, RadTech UV&EB Technology
Expo & Conference, May 2008.
—Stephen C. Lapin, Ph.D., is an
Applications Specialist, BroadBeam,
with PCT Engineered Systems LLC,
Davenport, Iowa.