PCT Engineered Brush Box Section User Manual

PCT Engineered Equipment

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© 2009 PCT Engineered Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved

Brush Box Section

Tension Control Upgrades

PCT’s scope of supply included a review of
the tensioning components and processes.
The outcome was a recommendation to
increase the rewind tensions. The primary
process tension deficiencies were found to
be associated with inaccurate unwind
tension control, poor tension isolation from
the rewind section, and inadequate tension
in the rewind coil.

PCT recommended replacing the existing
controls with AC motors and drives. The AC
drive system chosen included a common
bus arrangement . This design results in
significantly reduced energy consumption.
In addition to the controls, a bridle roll
assembly was implemented ahead of the
rewind to amplify tension and provide
isolation from the rest of the line.

The increased tension range allows this line
to process additional products. Downstream
operations also saw improvements when
unwinding the coils that are now wound with
higher, more consistent strip tension.

The Application

Surface finish quality is a significant
factor in the manufacture of copper
and brass strip. When poor process
control and aging equipment take
their toll on profitability, it is time for a

P C T w as c o n tr ac te d b y a
manufacturer with multiple finishing
lines to collaborate on the design
and supply of an improved strip
cleaning brush box. The objectives of
the project included increasing the
production throughput, reducing the
amount of scrap caused by
scratching and improving the
maintainability of the equipment.

PCT developed a control and
automation scheme that provided for
increased line speeds. The improved
operation eliminated the need for
interleaving paper and further strip
processing. Changing of brushes
was also automated so that a single
operator can now change all of the
brushes in a matter of minutes.
Brush life has been improved by
precise control of the brush speed
and loading.