Progressive International Electronics PCXZ User Manual

Page 46

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Progressive International Electronics


Version 4.2/April 2005

Page 38



Command Structure for Downloading

PCXZ Downloadable Controllers

The download function must be implemented before loading TSR.

PIE’s PCXZ series of controllers consists of two versions, ROM and downloadable. The downloadable
version is designed to allow the dispenser and credit card reader software to be downloaded directly
from the POS terminal into the PCXZ. This feature eliminates the need to change EPROMs for each
dispenser brand.

The enclosed diskette contains the BIN files necessary for each dispenser type supported by PIE.
These BIN files may be downloaded individually. For your convenience, batch files (.BAT) for the
most common dispenser brands are also provided, allowing the user to load all necessary files to the
controller with one command (i.e., DL_GIL). See Brand-Specific Batch Files later in this section.

The entire download process takes less than two minutes. Files will only need to be downloaded
once since they remain resident in an area of memory protected by battery backup. New controllers
ordered will be loaded with the dispenser software specified on the order and should not require

The enclosed diskette also contains the test programs PIE offers for troubleshooting and
demonstration. (It should be left with the store manager for future use.) These programs are
PCC.EXE for non-reader dispensers and PCCR.EXE for dispensers with CRINDs. The following
equipment is required to run these programs and the download:

Laptop computer or PC running DOS (not DOS shell)
1 to 1 RS232 serial cable
Diskette provided by PIE
PCXZ and cables

Download Format

Below is the format used by the download program to send software to the PCXZ. Descriptions of the
switch parameters are also listed.

Download fn.typ [Comm port] [bank code] [type code]
i.e., Download Pos.Bin 1 0 c

Comm Ports

1 - 4 => Comm 1 -> Comm 4

Additional Ports

A = 0x2AB
B = 0x3AB
C = 0x2BB
D = 0x3BB