American Dynamics Tyco 8 User Manual
Page 30

Preparing and installing the SDU8 Camera in an End Cap Assembly
The ROENDC End Cap is designed to be used with the RHSOW short wall, RHOLW long wall,
and the RHOTR over the rooof mounting kits. For information on installing these mounting kits see
the relevant instructions provided in the packaging.
• RHOSW/RHOLW installation guide, 8000-2692-08
• RHOTR installation guide, 8000-2629-06
Procedure 5-1 describes how to prepare and install the IP SDU8 Housing in a ROENDC End Cap
Procedure 5-1 Preparing and installing the SDU8 Camera in an End Cap Assembly
If a junction box or patch panel is being used then:
1 Prepare cabling of sufficient length to ensure connection of the IP SpeedDome® to the
junctionbox/patch box and to enable easy servicing.
If a junction box or patch panel is not being used then, ensure that the appropriate cables are in
place for the installation.
2 Remove pipe elbows (if any), and then make a mark 4cm (1.6in) from the end of the existing
Figure 5-2 Marking the pipe ending
3 Slip the cable into the hole of the dust plug and work the plug into the pipe opening.
The plug must be fully inserted and must fully seal the opening.
Figure 5-3 Inserting the dust plug
Thread two setscrews provided into the adapter pipe. Also, to prevent water intrusion, ensure the
adapter pipe has the gasket and rubber seal preinstalled.