IEI Integration ICE-CV-D25501_N26001 User Manual
Page 66

ICE-CV-D25501/N26001 COM Express Module
Page 54
Sets the serial port transmission speed at 9600.
Sets the serial port transmission speed at 19200.
Sets the serial port transmission speed at 38400.
Sets the serial port transmission speed at 57600.
115200 D
Sets the serial port transmission speed at 115200.
Data Bits [8]
Use the Data Bits option to specify the number of data bits.
7 Sets the data bits at 7.
8 D
Sets the data bits at 8.
Parity [None]
Use the Parity option to specify the parity bit that can be sent with the data bits for
detecting the transmission errors.
None D
No parity bit is sent with the data bits.
The parity bit is 0 if the number of ones in the data
bits is even.
The parity bit is 0 if the number of ones in the data
bits is odd.
The parity bit is always 1. This option does not
provide error detection.
The parity bit is always 0. This option does not
provide error detection.
Stop Bits [1]
Use the Stop Bits option to specify the number of stop bits used to indicate the end of a
serial data packet. Communication with slow devices may require more than 1 stop bit.