6\vwhp&rqiljxudwlrq – ZOLL M Series CCT Defibrillator Rev A User Manual
Page 13

Configuration Settings
With Code Markers highlighted and Config/Review selected, press the Change Value softkey.
The following screen displays:
Pressing the Change Value softkey will change the highlighted setting from Change/Review to
Set to Defaults and vice versa.
Pressing the Prev Item and Next Item softkeys will scroll the highlight to the next or
previously highlighted code markers feature.
Pressing the Enter softkey when the Change/Review option is highlighted for one of the code
markers features causes the following screen to be displayed (this example shows the Defib
Code Markers screen).
Pressing the Change Value softkey will highlight the first clinical action in the Marker List
column and change the softkeys so that a new clinical action may be entered (shown below).
Pressing the Prev Marker and Next Marker softkeys scroll the highlight through the entire
Marker List. Press the Enter Marker softkey to replace the highlighted item in the Defib
markers column with the highlighted clinical action in the Marker List.
Pressing the Prev Item or Next Item softkeys will scroll the highlight to a different item
number in the Defib Markers column.
Pressing the Delete to End softkey will delete all configured Defib markers from the
highlighted item number to the end of the list. The user can then enter new clinical actions for
each item.
Pressing the Return softkey will return the unit to the Change/Review Code Markers display
where the user can choose Defib, Monitor or Pace Code Markers.
Pressing the Return softkey again causes the unit to return to the previous menu.