Warner Electric Heavy Duty Industrial Foot Switches User Manual

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Warner Electric • 800-825-9050

P-1303 • 819-0523

Explanation of Model Identification
Code for Foot Switches

Number of


Contact Block




F1 = One Pedal Foot Switch

F2 = Two Pedal Foot Switch

F3 = Three Pedal Foot Switch

U1 =

Slow Action
1 NO / 1NC Single
Pole Break Before
Make Momentary

SU1 =

Snap Action
1NO / 1NC Single
Pole Momentary

U2 =

Slow Action
2 NO / 2 NC Double
Pole Break Before
Make Momentary

SU2 =

Snap Action
2 NO / 2NC Double
Pole Momentary

NO = Normally Open

NC = Normally Closed

Z =

(example U1Z) indicates a
forced disconnect of the
Normally Closed Contacts.

Y =

(example U1Y) indicates a
maintained contact. 1st
depression of pedal latches switch
on 2nd depression

D =

(example U2D) indicates a
pressure point for operation
with 2 contact blocks, 2 stage
operation. 1st block operates
up to pressure point, 2nd block
operates after operation of
pressure point switch.

AT =

(example SU1Z AT) indicates an
Anti-Trip Device. A lever must be
pushed forward with a foot before
the pedal can be pressed.

UN =

(example F1-U1Z UN) indicates a
Protective Guard over the pedal.

Mi RG =

(example SU1 Mi RG) indicates a
proportional output, fitted as stan-
dard is a varible resistor,
10K ohms, 2W.

AP =

(example F1-U1 AP) Explosive
proof switch for operation in med-
ical areas “surgically safe”.



Failure to follow these instructions may result in product damage, equipment

damage, and serious or fatal injury to personnel.

Multi Pedal Switches:

With multi-pedal switches, it is possible for each pedal to have
its own function. The functions available are explained in the
Contact Block Function area of the Identification Code.