Vanguard Auto-Ohm 100_200 s2 User Manual
Page 23

AUTO-OHM 100/200 Series 2 Operating Procedures
Rev 3, 2009
6.5 Running an Automatic Test Procedure
The TEST TYPE menu allows the user to select the Normal or Automatic test mode. In the
Automatic test mode the user selects the test current and ramp time. The measurement cycle is
initiated when the sense leads are connected to the device under test. This feature is handy when
the user wants to take resistance readings of multiple points.
To use the Automatic Test Mode the user must connect the current cables outside the two points
where the measurement is to be made. The Auto-Ohm is then placed in the Automatic Test
mode. The test will start as soon as the sense cables are connected to the two points of interest.
The Auto-Ohm test current will ramp from zero to the selected test current. After a five second
burn-in time, the Auto-Ohm current is ramped back to zero. The resistance reading is then
displayed on the LCD. To start a new test, disconnect, then reconnect the sense leads between
the same or two new points of interest.
• Current cables should be connected across the resistive load to establish the
current path. Removing and reconnecting one or both sense cables starts a new test.
• Hand spikes (see Figure 3.0) are designed specifically for this application.
To select the Automatic mode, turn the control knob in the TEST TYPE menu until
Automatic test mode.
Figure 26.0 Test Type Menu
The SELECT TEST CUR (current) menu will now appear on the Auto-Ohm’s display.
Figure 27.0 Select 10A Menu
a. This screen prompts the user to select the desired test current. Test current options are: 10, 25,
50, 100 Amp (for Auto-Ohm 100) or 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 Amp (for Auto-Ohm 200), CUSTOM,
and ABORT TEST. Select the desired test current option by turning the control knob until the
proper current level displays, then press the knob to enter that choice (in which case, go to step
d). If a smaller increment of current is desired, select
control knob and go to the next step.
Figure 28.0 Select Custom Current Menu
<10 AMPS>