Test oob-01 variables, Oob amplitude calibration mode, Pert3 high amplitude – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-SATA User Manual
Page 26: Pert3 low amplitude, Test rsg-01, Rsg-06 variables, Test time (in minutes), Qphy-sata limit sets, Gen1i, Gen2i
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Test OOB-01 Variables
OOB Amplitude Calibration Mode
This variable only applies when the PeRT
is used. It allows the user to choose to run the automatic calibration of
the OOB amplitude or to use values set in the PeRT3 High and Low Amplitude variables. The default value is
Wizard Measured.
PeRT3 High Amplitude
PeRT3 Low Amplitude
These variables allow the user to specify the PeRT
amplitude setting to use when running the OOB-01 High and
Low threshold tests. They are used when
the “OOB Amplitude Calibration Mode” variable is set to Custom. There
is no default value for these variables.
Test RSG-01
– RSG-06 Variables
Test Time (in minutes)
This allows the user to specify how long the receiver tests should run. The default values are 10 minutes for the
1.5Gb/s tests (RSG-01, RSG-05 and RSG-06), 5 minutes for the 3.0Gb/s test (RSG-02) and 2.5 minutes for the
6.0Gb/s test (RSG-03).
QPHY-SATA Limit Sets
Contains the limits designated in the SATA specification for products running at 1.5Gb/s.
Contains the limits designated in the SATA specification for products running at 3.0Gb/s.
Contains the limits designated in the SATA specification for products running at 6.0Gb/s.
QPHY-SATA Test Descriptions
QualiPHY SATA covers the tests defined by the SATA-IO Interoperability Program appropriate for real-time
oscilloscopes. The Interoperability Program defines the tests in the Unified Test Document (UTD) available at:
The UTD includes electrical tests as well as digital and mechanical tests. The electrical test groups covered by
QualiPHY are Physical Layer general requirements (PHY), PHY Transmitted Signal requirements (TSG),
and PHY Out Of Band requirements (OOB). In the following sections each of the tests is described followed by
an example output from a QualiPHY report.
Note: For more details about any of the tests please consult the LeCroy PHY, TSG, OOB Method of Implementation (MOI) document, as well
as the SATA-IO Unified Test Document and the SATA specification.